Super belated post - it was going to be an overall catch-up post on the state of me, but I'm going to do something I haven't done in probably two years, and that's discuss an episode of Supernatural. Shocking, I know.
The Spousal Unit and I did watch the finale last night - well, after we watched the Grimm season finale, which was kick-ass and a
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Comments 15
I can't say I was impressed with most of the last six episodes, because I haven't been impressed overall for the last two years. Even been downright angry, and I think if it weren't for friendships I made in this fandom, I'd probably have stopped watching sometime in S6.
But I do think with Gamble and her personal fangirl agenda gone - an agenda which was not Dean or Jensen-positive, nor Misha/Cas-positive - there is the first chance we've had in a long time of the show at least being even-handed between the leads, and hopefully better and more smartly written with fresher ideas, which is what they desperately need.
Of course, it could all go to hell in the first episode, but until that happens, there is some hope. ;)
It does sound like Misha is back on board in the cast, though. He thinks his appearances will be more along the lines of S4/5. Fingers crossed. :)
I LOVED the Random Acts promo! I saw it on youtube before the episode aired, and a longer one than they used for Ian. But, yeah, I think those things are great - and good for those guys. Both actors do legitimate work for their causes (Ian's is environmental - he talked and tweeted constantly about the BP Oil spill for a long-long time).
I posted last night and didn't read anyone else's reviews yet - so I'm going to catch up today. :D
I just wanted to squee about finding another Grimm fan:-) Because the finale was awesome yet there seems to be a lack of squee about it over the net, duh.
You know I haven't talked fannishly about much of anything for a long time - and there are shows I'm really into, and Grimm is one. I miss doing that and want to try and do more fannish posts in the future. RL gets in the way. ;)
But I would love to find a good Grimm community. Is there a place for good screencaps? I need pix to make icons! I have just the one.
I'm really worried about Juliette - what the hell did Adelind turn her into? And I don't keep up with Grimm spoilers at all - if there are any - but I suspected, but didn't know until the end, that the hooded woman was Nick's mother. You don't snag Mary Mastrantonio for some random bad guy throw-away role. So that's super cool ( ... )
I'm not sure what Adalind did to Juliette, but it won't be good. I think she changed her into some kind of a Wesen that Nick is supposed to kill ...
Yeah, she definitely changed her into something (whaaaat?) - I just hope they can cure her. I also hope they don't go with the trope of Juliette forgetting everything as soon as they do.
And I'm pretty sure it will go somewhere, because... spoilers! There was some interesting casting news for season two, hehe.
*ack* Where?!? ;) Oh, I'm sure they're going somewhere with him - they're just dragging it out right now. I'm hoping they kick it up a notch next year, though.
I am sorry Gamble wasn't able to play it right. Clearly somethings has happened behind the scenes and something leaked during the cons and the Upfronts.
The actors weren't happy and this is never a godo thing, especially when the show is based on it's actors performances as SPN has been lately.
That being said, I want to be positive and hopeful.
I pretty much agree with everything you said :)
I'm also a devotee of Fringe, and I am really glad they got a half-season wrap-up for next year. I was really not happy that they almost didn't.
SPN- glad to hear that Gamble is out. Maybe I will go ahead and watch the eps I didn't bother to this season (I pretty much checked out after they offed Bobby) in hopes that next season will actually be watchable.
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