Happy Birthday,
sophiaiswisdom! All the best wishes and much love to you, honey. And because it has become a tradition by now, your prezzie will be late as always. ;-) Weak excuse, I know. Anyway, have a great time celebrating your birthday and then tell us all about it.
Comments 4
I won't be doing much celebrating today, I'm afraid. I'm leaving it for the weekend, when I'm also FINALLY going to see my new niece. Expect pics.
*cries* 31! *cries*
NB: Have you seen the HP and the Deathly Hallows covers? What do you think?
I've seen them, and apart from looking great and telling us what we already know (that Harry will search for the Horcruxes), all I want to say is this: NO GINNY ON THE COVER, yay! I can't wait till July 21st. The only thing that bothers me is that I don't know yet when we're going on vacation, so I haven't pre-ordered. I think there might be a tiny possibility that I won't read it right that day.
I have preordered the book but may have to change my adress till then because I also don't know where I'll be. I still remember how pissed I was when HBP came out while I was in Paris. I was a week late in getting and reading it and had to avoid all the discussion and spoilers. But if you're on vacation at that time, you're not online so it wouldn't matter as much.
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