Jul 02, 2003 02:08

Big fat fucking sigh.

A few moments ago it was brought to my attention that I've been wasting my time. I had no fucking idea what's going on but I'm not going to update as often simply because I'll make Anna all emo and bitchy, and I'm sure you'd all rather have not as much Anna than a fucking PMS-ish one. Okay?

I like this community and I don't want to leave. But I'm fucking confused, I'm having real life problems and I'm suicidal/homicidal worse than before. No, I'm not woe-is-me and if anyone gives me that bullshit I'm going to flip.

I don't care about your life. I don't care if you didn't hand in your paper on time. I don't care if your boyfriend cheated on you. I don't care if your mom won't let you hang out after 11:00 PM. And I really don't fucking care if you feel EMO because you've never been emo. So don't give me shit.

Yeah, I'll probably read over this in the morning and be upset with myself and I'm sure they'll be bitchy comments or none at all. But do I fucking care? No!

This was a random bitching moment. It had no significance but I once again, do I care if I've annoyed you? No. No motherfucking no.

The whole point is to tell you my updates may be fucky, but who really gives a damn. Let shit play out. Let's see where it goes.

-Kiana. "anna shaped"

Edit: Sob. I shamed my role. See, the whole reason I'm pissed in the first place is because it feels like I'm wasting my time. And I guess then I should become more active and everyone should be able to feed me that 'it's your own fault' bullshit. I'm just in desperate need of real, mature role play and I've become infuriated with others that I'm involved with. I'm not keeping OOC out of IC, which is a big fat fucking no-no. I'm not saying this community isn't mature, but I'm being an evil whore and comparing it to others I've either seen or I'm involved with. I won't mention their names and whatnot because I don't want any hater comments, but yeah.

Once again I'm in the dark about this role. I conversed OOC and IC with the Mike writer but eh, it didn't go anywhere. AND they're ignoring me on MSN right now so it's like '...'

Once I know what's going on I'll post again. But I'm pretty sure this journal is staying here even if something happens. This name can't be used for any other communities. Mike's either married to a band member or dumped Anna in every other single one. *twitch, rolling of the eyes*


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