*tap tap* Is this thing on?

Mar 12, 2012 13:24

I have officially sunk to new levels of updating fail. I don't think I've posted anything in about 6 months. Err...whoops ( Read more... )

writing, fic, crosbysucks, letsgorangers, merlin, malkinsucks

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Comments 10

aeroport_art April 29 2012, 14:41:23 UTC
Hey babe! Yeeeah I am totally guilty of getting in to NHL fandom :0 Don't worry, I'm not proud of this. It's just so addicting!!!

But hey I actually just finished up at 50k word Eagle high school AU which I hopped online to post :D:D:D It took me foreeeever (as writing usually does) but hopefull It'll be up by the end of the day. Whee!


anna_zee April 29 2012, 16:15:21 UTC
But hey I actually just finished up at 50k word Eagle high school AU which I hopped online to post :D:D:D It took me foreeeever (as writing usually does) but hopefull It'll be up by the end of the day. Whee!

I think you might have just made my day \0/ High school fics FTW!


hanelissar April 29 2012, 17:24:44 UTC
I understand your Merlin feels - I'm really not in the fandom at all very much, but somehow I still read the fic and enter the fests (signed up for reel_merlin for about the fourth time running and expect that I will still never finish this fic because apparently I'm incapable of doing words for it) and just have a lot of feelings about the two of them. Good luck with all of your fics, I am sure you will manage to finish them and write a lovely Merlin/Arthur romcom because yes please. :)

Hope things are good with you and yes you should DEFINITELY make a fannish twitter, mine is my favourite even though I accidentally got some RL people on there, I am not close enough to them socially for it to be weird when I have loads of flail/kinky fic feelings all over it.



anna_zee May 2 2012, 13:42:27 UTC
HELLO. I fail like a great big fail-y thing at replying to comments, but better late than never?

Yes, I have FEEEEEEELINGS about Merlin and Arthur. I've actually gotten more OTP-crazy about them recently. I've gotten all clingy - I'll never stop loving them, I swear!

What movie did you claim for reel_merlin? I am happy to help with some writing fu butt kicking =)


hanelissar May 3 2012, 10:58:00 UTC
HELLO no worries at ALL I have been useless at replying to anything at all lately so I completely agree with better late than never as a life philosophy right now ;)

SO MANY FEELS. They are *perfect* and wonderful and just yes, perfect, thank you world.

Haha thank you! I claimed Heartbreaker, which is this amazing and hilarious French romcom that filled me with delight when I saw it over Christmas but also 'oh my god this would make an awesome reel_merlin fic!' feels. So hopefully I can do it justice! Any butt kicking you can offer would be appreciated, I really have to motivate myself to finally finish this one! And of course the same is true of you - if you need a kick up the arse I will provide if necessary! We can totally do this. :D



archaeologist_d April 29 2012, 23:18:57 UTC
She's alive! Glad to hear you are still in Merlin fandom. Love romcoms in general so a Merlin one would be great.

A fannish twitter account sounds like a good idea!


anna_zee May 2 2012, 13:43:28 UTC
Hello =) I am indeed alive, though some days (like today), it's questionable.

Yeah, the more I think about a fannish twitter the more I like it. I need to be able to flail at people who won't judge me.


archaeologist_d May 2 2012, 19:29:03 UTC
Well, let me know if you do. I love to flail, too.


sistermine April 30 2012, 22:43:15 UTC
Have just read your Champagne fic. It was wonderful: UST and fulfilment and then angst, and you made me cry, and then happy ever after.

I was looking to see if you'd written anything else recently. Delighted to hear you're signed up for more Merlin things, and even more excited that you're into Eagle fic.

Eagle fic needs you. There are not enough of us churning it out (which is why I was reading Merlin - it is in my opinion the next best thing.)


anna_zee May 2 2012, 13:47:33 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed the story (though I am sorry for making you cry).

Yes, some more Merlin stuff coming from me! Last year's big bang drained me a bit, but I am trying to get my writing chi back.

Maybe someday for Eagle fic - I am usually a one-fandom-at-a-time kinda gal. But obviously they've already gotten me to break that rule =)


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