---10 Firsts---
First Best Friend:: Samantha Sargeant
First Screenname:: anna14b
First Pet Name:: Newton (I miss my crazy kitty :O)
First Piercing:: my ears in 4th grade
First Crush:: Brian Whalley, hahaha
First CD:: Grease Soundtrack I think
First School:: Lang Street School (before they combined it with Inter Lakes)
First House Location:: 18 Gould Ave
First Kiss:: Oh boy...Jon was my first REAL kiss, though I did those silly spin the bottle games before hand
First Car:: my green subaru...first completley owned car...my truckie
---9 Lasts---
Last Time You Smoked:: depends on what...cloves, a few weeks. Pot, last night
Last Food You Ate:: A piece of Hershey's Extra Dark Chocolate (yay for awesome aunties!)
Last Car Ride:: The really long one in Don's mom's car back to Boston
Last Movie You Watched:: 10 Things I Hate About You
Last Phone Call:: I texted Patty a little while ago...other than that, Chris R in Somerville I think
Last CD You Listened To:: oh goodness...CD?
Last Bubble Bath You Took:: Before we moved to Somerville, I think the night we came back from Warped Tour
Last Song You Listened To:: Whatever I heard last on the TV
Last Words You Said:: "ugh" *sniffle*
---8 Have-You-Evers---
Dated A Best Friend:: Oh yes
Been Arrested:: Nope
Been On TV:: Yep!
Eaten Sushi:: Aye
Cheated On Your B/F or G/F:: Yep
Been On A Blind Date:: Yep
Been Out Of The Country:: Canada...
Been In Love:: Yes, very much so.
---7 Things You Are Wearing---
1:: PJ pants
2:: my bondage pants
3:: black socks
4:: my Digital Angel shirt
5:: Dark blue tank top
6:: Insulin Pump
7:: A nifty red bracelet
---6 Things You've Done Today---
1:: Eaten food :3
2:: Traveled to Boston
3:: Slept
4:: Hung out with the NH kids (some of them)
5:: Watched Patty, Don, Jess, Pam, Hayden and Ryan make snow angels (I was eating a popsicle! :O )
6:: Checked out forums
---5 Favorite Things (not in any order)---
1:: My Ryan <3
2:: My friends
3:: Food
4:: Sleep
5:: Feeling good about myself
---4 People You Most Trust---
1:: Ryan
2:: Other People
3:: I cant think
4:: Straight :O
---3 Things You Want To Do Before You Die---
1:: Goto Japan, New Zealand, and Ireland
2:: Make a positive impact on someone's life
3:: Sing somewhere big
---2 Choices---
Vanilla or Chocolate:: both
Hugs or Kisses:: both
--1 Person You Want To See Right Now---
1:: <3
In other news- we missed the big snow storm in Boston, it was funny to come home to a foot of snow, heheh.
We were in NH this weekend, and it was a blast. We had a lot of fun and relaxation.
Ryan's dad bought us a bunch of meat for me and Ryan...I'm so greatful, we didnt have much left in the house and it was an amazing thing for him to do.
I was offered a job today- don't know how much I'll be doing it, 1-2 days a week probably. Ryan's uncle needs some help and its really good money-- we're going to meet tomorrow and talk about it. But we're talking maybe up to $100 a day, which is the greatest. And Ryan may be able to do it too, but it depends on his school schedule.
Not much else to say, so I'm gonna leave it at that. I don't feel to great so Imma lay down now. Peace