for miranda

Sep 26, 2005 22:30

Atlas [Greek] n. one who bears a heavy burden. Atlas was the Titan forced to hold up the
pillars of heaven as his punishment for leading the Titans against the Olympian gods.

Halycon [Greek] n. 14 days of calm weather at the winter solstice when it is said that a
mythical bird (identified with a kingfisher) was said to breed in a nest on calm seas. It
comes from the name Halcyone who was the daughter of Aeolus, who, when widowed,
threw herself into the sea and became a kingfisher.

Lethargy - [Greek] adj. the quality or state of being lazy or indifferent. Comes from
lethargia or lethargos meaning forgetful.

Mentor - [Greek] n. A wise advisor. A friend of Odysseus, and advisor of Telemachus
(usually Athena in disguise) in The Odyssey.

Odyssey- [Greek] n. A long wandering or voyage usually accompanied by change in
fortune. This words origin is from the epic, The Odyssey, and refers to the long and
difficult journey of Odysseus on his way home from the Trojan War.

Pandora’s box- [Greek] n. misfortunate events released upon a person or group of
persons. This comes from the myth of Pandora and the box given to her by Zeus. She was
told not to open the box but when she did, she released the toil and misfortune upon the
world, much later when it was reopened, hope was released into the world.

Pasquinade - [Italian] n. A lampoon or satire that usually ridicules a specific person,
traditonally written in a public place. Comes from Pasquinato, a name given to a mutilated
statue that is now known to be Menelaus dragging the deceased Patroclus.

Saturday - [Greek] n. The day or Saturn. In a literal Greek translation it is “The Day of
Cronus,” the Titan who ruled the universe until he was dethroned by his son Zeus.

Thespian- [Greek] n. Someone having to do with the Theatre, actors. Derived from
Thespis, the person credited with being the first actor in theatre. Thespis was the first
person to play an individual role, and not be a member of the chorus.
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