after xfm - the radio station that kicks arse like no other radio can, i've discovered xfm - the website that makes me weep with gratitude
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we shall have anna lou morgan ralph hewitt other characters - got loads of names but no definite characters to match them yet. duh. i suppose it would be helpful if i had a plot or even just a general outline
find yourself a girl and settle down, he says (JACK x) i wouldn't settle down just now, but i'd love to find myself a girl where are they? where are the lesbians/bi girls? where is the one that would go out with me?
otherwise, i've got a burning confession to make. i LOVE keane's new single
1) Green Party 75% 2) Democratic Party 65% 3) Natural Law Party 60% 4) Reform Party 50% 5) Libertarian Party 45% 6) Republican Party 35% 7) Constitution Party 30%