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Comments 22

mimoiikit143 January 29 2021, 14:43:56 UTC
So sorry to hear you’re still in pain but hopefully you get more rest so you can feel 100% again, or relatively close to it anyway. Love your art!!!!! And your use of colors is very impressive


annabloem January 31 2021, 23:45:17 UTC

Thank you so much, I’ll try and rest as much as I can.

And thank you ♥ I’m really enjoying art right now, especially since it doesn’ make my pain worse, so I can enjoy it without worries :D


mocoharuma January 29 2021, 23:01:38 UTC
Thank you for the update and sharing stuff.. Fight~oh! I keep on praying.


annabloem January 31 2021, 23:46:16 UTC
Thank you <3


spacecadet1017 January 30 2021, 07:45:59 UTC
Yay, a book post (sorta)! I love book posts!

I'm curious about the Raven Cycle series, as I already had Maggie Stiefvater on my interest list for her Faerie series. I don't think the summary really sold it for me, so I was curious what you liked about it. I dunno if you've already read them, but if you like Sci-Fi/fantasy, I'd totally recommend The Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer (Sci-Fi rewrites of fairy tales) and the Gemstone Trilogy by Kerstin Gier (time-travel).

Also, Re: Harry Potter - Are you a Slytherin? Is that why you put their crest on your bookmark? I'm a Ravenclaw. Well, technically I suppose I should say I'm a Horned Serpent since I'm American and therefore would've gone to Ilvermorny. (e_e)


annabloem January 31 2021, 23:58:47 UTC
I really enjoyed the Raven Cycle, a lot more than I originally expected. I loved the storyline, and how it blended reality with fantasy. Like, at first, although a bit of a stretch it could be considered real, it included things like tarot, leylines having powers, fortune telling, seeing the future and ghosts, but many people irl really believe those stuff, so having some of the main characters believing in those things (Especially with Blue being from a family of fortune tellers/ tarot readers etc) made sense, then it slowly becomes more and more fantasy. The characters were fun, but the relationships between them, their friendships and deep bonds they developed, were really good imo. The “group” consists of one girl and four boys, but there’s not a huge focus on romance in general and definitely not an “everyone likes the girls just because she’s a girl.” It has some good representation of class differences, and several other things as well, and it’s rarely ever used to define the character, so they definitely don’t feel like “token ( ... )


spacecadet1017 February 1 2021, 20:42:49 UTC
Hmm, sounds interesting. I'm also glad there's not really a focus on romance, since I'm not a big fan of romance novels. I'm not really sure how much of the occult things I'd understand, though, never having studied them. Does she explain them in the story ( ... )


annabloem February 2 2021, 06:50:35 UTC
The occult stuff gets explained well enough, I don’t think leylines are that well-known in general (I think I came across it in either a book I read or a tv series xD) so I feel like except for some obvious things like ghosts/tarot card that everyone has heard of it’s well explained. The romance is more of a background plot than an actual main point, though it does sometimes pop up (Blue, the main character has been told several times that if she kisses her first love he will die, so she’s reluctant to anything romance related xD ( ... )


qonyta January 31 2021, 08:40:12 UTC

Nap everyday maybe good idea


annabloem February 1 2021, 00:02:20 UTC
Yeah, it just makes it hard for me to sleep at night, so I need to find a good balance xD


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