...I've been typing for ten minutes now but I can't really find what I want to say. My thoughts are so clear and at the same time, so jumbled up
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...I guess my problem with saying this stuff in an one-on-one conversation is that I'd feel like forcing the other person to say something. And there's not really something to say here, so...
Still, thanks for being here. :) Maybe sometime I'll need to take up on the offer :)
aww! I can totally just send you little hugging emotes and just let you whine away as long as you need. I'm not really good at advice, but I've lived through a lot of stuff, and there's a lot that I understand/can relate to, so anything you'd want to discuss is perfectly fine - I'll listen and offer whatever support you feel you need. (and, you know.. I'm totally unbiased.)
The tricky part is, I know what my problem is: I worry too much, about things I shouldn't be worrying. I know the advice I'm going to get: Stop worrying. And it's useless, in the sense that I cannot put it into use: Worrying doesn't have an on/off switch. You either worry or you don't.
I can relate to that so much. I worry about things that seem ridiculous as well.
It's never ridiculous - if it has you worried, it's cause it hits a chord somewhere. And that's perfectly normal and human.
Things are very relative and it's not because something is unimportant or benign to someone that they should be to everyone else as well. Don't let others convince you that your worries are ridiculous...
Oh, sweetheart. ♥ I want to give you an enormous hug right now because no one deserves that shoulder more than you but you know you can always talk to your flist, yeah? We're here for you - I'm totally available if you ever need to talk. I can completely sympathize with the whole stressing thing - my mom keeps telling me not to but come on, it's not like I can control it :|
I love you, I know I haven't talked to you much and I'm never online, but you can always email me or drop a comment on my LiveJournal if you need anything. Let us know how things go :| I hope everythings gets better ♥
No issues? Can't help you there. I don't know anyone like that, least of all me.
Always willing to listen. Go on for as long as you like. I'll understand. And I won't judge. And, if I have anything useful to say, I'll say it. If not, I won't pretend otherwise.
I've got nothing but time. I care about you, I respect you, and I trust you.
If you see me and you need to talk, don't hesitate. If you need to talk and you don't see me... my inbox is always open to you. You need to actually talk, that can be arranged, too.
I don't know if I'm the right person for the job, but anything I can do... let me know.
Comments 25
...I guess my problem with saying this stuff in an one-on-one conversation is that I'd feel like forcing the other person to say something. And there's not really something to say here, so...
Still, thanks for being here. :) Maybe sometime I'll need to take up on the offer :)
See ya,
I can relate to that so much. I worry about things that seem ridiculous as well.
Things are very relative and it's not because something is unimportant or benign to someone that they should be to everyone else as well. Don't let others convince you that your worries are ridiculous...
Still, there *is* such a thing as worrying too much. Everything has a limit. xD
See ya,
Anna :)
un beso y que estes bien.
Un beso,
Anna :)
I love you, I know I haven't talked to you much and I'm never online, but you can always email me or drop a comment on my LiveJournal if you need anything. Let us know how things go :| I hope everythings gets better ♥
♥ ♥ ♥
Anna :)
Always willing to listen. Go on for as long as you like. I'll understand. And I won't judge. And, if I have anything useful to say, I'll say it. If not, I won't pretend otherwise.
I've got nothing but time. I care about you, I respect you, and I trust you.
If you see me and you need to talk, don't hesitate. If you need to talk and you don't see me... my inbox is always open to you. You need to actually talk, that can be arranged, too.
I don't know if I'm the right person for the job, but anything I can do... let me know.
See ya,
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