Regarding the poem: inhaling and exhaling is the essence of ATMAN (in Sancrit it means the breath of life and the supreme Spirit). So sweet that your father’s love meant so much to you but also it turned into a black space (the space of his absence, the void of his departure). Your grandfather Pepe was a genius but had a twisted mind and hurted (the lion’s tooth hurting your hand) your grandmother and his daughters a lot because of his neurosis though he always manipulated them with his Money and erudition. Maybe you meant that men like him can give you a Judas’ kiss. Human beings could shift from positions of idealization to positions of depravity and betrayal which is so sad that makes you wonder about happy and permanent relationships. I have erred and have fallen from the Grace of a family life with wonderful children. I am probably the core of your sadness and grieving: ‘I am a grey flower wilting in the snow’ but you have an ideal to ‘unshackle the tree of life’. Sorry for the profound impact that losing a father had in
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