Clinging to Not Getting Sentimental (2/2)

Mar 03, 2014 22:28

Title: Clinging to Not Getting Sentimental
Chapters: Oneshot
Pairings: Taemin/Kai
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, smut, romance, slight angst
Warnings: adult content, drugs, spanking
Summary: Kai is the notorious bad boy in town and Taemin has the pleasure of brushing with him every time he causes trouble.

Taemin was in Toys'R'Us, having spent at least an hour wandering the isles and picking up toys at random. He had to pick a good one. It was Kwangmin's birthday on Friday, and he wasn't about to miss it like he'd missed one three years ago. He'd felt awful, and Seohyun had practically denied him visitation rights for the next year. Luckily, some part of Seohyun still pitied him, and things had settled back to normal once Taemin had taken Kwangmin to Disneyland, at the expense of about five of his paychecks.

He sighed heavily, passing through the Barbie section, then browsing through Playmobile. He didn't even have any idea what his son wanted, and it was killing him. Was he a Lego boy? Spiderman? Did he like cute things? Video games?

He settled for a cozy looking teddy bear at the very end of the store, certain he couldn't go wrong with that. Who didn't like plushies? It even had a cute button nose and small, beady eyes that looked kind and caring. Maybe Kwangmin could sleep with it at night. If he remembered correctly Kwangmin was afraid of the dark, and so maybe his gift would be somewhat useful. A companion to hold while in the dark. That sounded reasonable.

It wasn't until he'd finished paying for the teddy bear that Taemin realized Friday was Jongin's birthday, not Kwangmin's. He must have gotten confused because he saw Jongin's file so much on his desk, his birthday itched in right below his name.

Taemin threw the teddy bear to the floor in frustration and proceeded to storm out, only to walk back in and pick it up because he'd paid for the damn thing, and maybe he could hold it off for five months or so, when Kwangmin's actual birthday was.


"Armed robbery?"

"Apparently," Hyorin said. "I can't say for sure, but the guy from the store claims Jongin had a gun on him."

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Taemin groaned, pulling on his jacket. His police uniform was too thin for him to be wandering out in the cold, especially looking for Jongin.

"Do you know where he might be?" Hyorin asked. She knew Taemin was more than familiar with the boy, and so instead of sending out a search party, she always just came to him instead.

"Maybe. I have a few ideas, but I'll have to check."

"Alright. Do you want back-up? He has a gun, you know."

"No, I don't want back-up. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure? Taemin, sometimes people we think we know can be really dangerous. Sometimes they snap. Jongin's young, I know that, but he's a criminal."

"I can handle him."

And with that, Taemin was off, his own weapon hanging by his hip for the first time. He wondered if he'd have to use it.


There were a slew of places Jongin could be, but he wasn't in any one of them. Taemin had checked his house, his favourite bar, his best friend's house, and even the soup kitchen where Jongin went for free food when his mom couldn't make it for him, but he was a no-show at all places.

Taemin's last option was the local park, where Jongin couldn't be if he had any wits about him, because it was an open, obvious area, but after wandering around there for a few minutes while trying to warm his hands, Taemin saw what looked like a person sitting deflated on a bench at the very end of the park. He walked over slowly and steadily, gun out and ready to fire should Jongin try to pull any tricks on him.

"Jongin, put your hands where I can see them," he commanded, approaching the boy further with quiet steps. Finally he was able to use the walk and scare method he'd been taught back at the academy. Jongin almost looked like he was sleeping from the angle Taemin approached him from, and so he said. "I'm only saying it once, Jongin. I have a gun on you."

The boy turned his head then and frantically whipped out a small revolver, holding it in Taemin's direction as if in self-defense. He sprang up from the bench, backing away from him.

"Drop it, Jongin. I can fire this thing before you even get to blink." Half-truth, but Jongin would believe him. Sure enough, the teen dropped his gun like a hot potato, and only then did Taemin notice he was carrying what looked like a small garbage bag. "The bag too."

Jongin was a little more reluctant to let go of that, but lowered it slowly to the ground in the end, eyeing it carefully. Taemin eyed it too, walking closer. His best guess told him it was money Jongin had stolen. And if Hyorin was right, Jongin had just robbed a convenience store, meaning there was a hell of a lot in there.

"You didn't kill anyone, did you?" He asked warily, keeping his gun aimed at Jongin's shoulder.

"N-no...I think I shot the shopkeeper in the leg, though," Jongin mumbled, looking down.

"You think?"

"Like...h-he was threatening to call the cops, so out of fear and desperation I kind of...closed my eyes and fired?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Taemin growled, springing forward the last stretch and grabbing Jongin by the ear. "What possible fucking motive could you have to rob a convenience store? I get the other dumb shit you do, but this? Whole new low."

"I-I needed the money," Jongin said, eyes dancing wildly around in his sockets from side to side. “I need it still. Please. I'm sorry, but--"

"So ask to borrow some money like a normal person. Fucking hell."

"Nobody would ever lend me anything and you know that!" Jongin shouted, and he looked somewhat scared for the first time in his life, his facial expression tense. "I owe someone money, alright? Someone who will probably kill me if I don't give it to them. Or worse."

"What's worse than someone killing you?" Taemin asked, sighing and rubbing his forehead. Jongin didn't answer. Taemin decided to bend down and grab his bag of money, peering into it.

"D-Don't..." Jongin started, but didn't finish.

Taemin glanced over the money, estimating the value. Then he looked up, and when he did, Jongin was pointing the little revolver at him again, his hands shaking.

"Put that thing down before you hurt yourself," Taemin muttered, sticking his hand in the bag and counting a few of the bills. There wasn't much in there. Not as much as he'd thought, at least.

"I need--"

"No, you don't need this money. This isn't The Goodfellas. Nobody can kill you when you're in the safety of a police station. Or a prison." He could see Jongin paling visibly, his lips tightening. "Now, be a good boy and hand me that thing before somebody gets hurt."

Taemin stared at him for a while, Jongin's arms shaking more and more with every passing second. His eyes were wide and glued to Taemin's chest. Taemin could almost hear his conflicted thought process, and straightened up, putting a hand on his hip.

"Jongin, this is the last time I ask nicely."

As he'd expected, Jongin slowly but surely lowered the gun. He looked like he was trying very hard to calm himself down. Taemin reached forward and grabbed it from him, prying it out of his sweaty hands. Jongin kept staring at the money, and Taemin turned to look at it too.

He walked over and pulled the bag up, rummaging through it. He pulled out a bill and stuffed it inside Jongin's pants pocket sloppily, listening to it crinkle. Jongin's eyes widened.

"You can keep a hundred. Doubt the owner will miss it much. I'll pay him back."

Jongin looked lost for words, but looked like he was about to thank him. Before he did, however, Taemin backhanded him hard across the face, making the boy whimper and clutch at himself.

"That's for shooting someone. You fucking prick. Now come, I'm taking you back to the station."


The ride to the police station was uncomfortable, mostly because Jongin was crying and Taemin had the radio set on a country music station to try and drown him out. He could hear him struggling with his handcuffs and tried to focus on the traffic lights, which seemed to want to give him hell, because they were nothing but red.

Even when they arrived at the station, Jongin was blubbering, and Taemin dragged him along as quick as he could, determined not to let his colleagues be disturbed.

Luckily, when he made it to the temporary cells, nobody else was there. He turned to look at Jongin, who was shaking.

"Can't you just let it slide this time?" Jongin pleaded, tears streaming down his face. "Y-you've helped me out before...I'll pay you back!"

"I can't let you off every goddamn time just because we fuck occasionally," Taemin said, glancing at the pitiful teenager crying behind him. He sighed. "You and your damn tears. What would happen if you actually went to jail, huh? You'd probably shit yourself, because all you are is a big baby trying to get noticed by someone. Your tough act is pathetic." Taemin grabbed for the keys on the wall, looking through them and walking towards a cell. There were three perps in there from earlier that day, who were all staring at the commotion. Probably also hoping they'd get out soon. "Maybe if you stay in here for a bit you'll finally think about your actions and actually learn something."

Jongin stayed quiet, staring at him from afar. Taemin unlocked the cell, pulling the door open for him.

"Get your ass in here. I'm in no mood to babysit tonight. I can't feed you everything with a silver spoon."

Jongin stood and stared wearily for a little while, before he walked forward, still giving Taemin the puppy dog eyes. Taemin grabbed him and ushered him in, before closing the cell and locking it up. "I'll come back to check on you in an hour or something. Get to thinking and repenting. Maybe Jesus will hear you if you shout."


Taemin spent the hour getting coffee from a machine on the other side of the building. He was so happy he didn't have to sit in his chair and hear Jongin whine from the bench for a few hours. Jongin always got let off so easily. Part of it was Taemin's fault, and he felt like he ought to make up for it. Maybe he'd messed up somewhere along the line with the boy's upbringing that had made him so criminally inclined. Jongin must think he could step all over him, because he never seemed scared of the police station anymore. Except for maybe today.

He sighed, checking the clock on the wall. What did it matter if Jongin stayed a few more minutes? He hoped he was feeling uncomfortable. He hoped he was re-evaluating his life and vowing to never cross the law ever again.

Taemin got up slowly, trying to catch the last part of Judge Judy on their small TV before he went to fetch the teenager. His colleagues were all watching it and laughing. They mostly just had paperwork to do, while Taemin was stuck being in charge of most 'inmates'.

He walked briskly, tired of waiting around the station. He was supposed to have gotten off about half an hour ago, but he'd pushed it for the sake of teaching Jongin a lesson. He set his empty cup down on his desk, then turned the corner to get to the cells.

Except when he got there, he hadn't expected to see a man with his dick inside Jongin's mouth, the boy sitting still while he thrust in, eyes closed. Taemin froze when he realized what was happening, and that none of the other inmates had been cuffed.

"Hey!" He shouted, pulling out his keys and sprinting forwards. When he got close enough, he started banging on the cell door. The man pulled out and tucked himself away, the other men laughing at him and the whole situation. Taemin couldn't seem to find his keys fast enough, and fumbled with them while refusing to look down at Jongin, who was kneeling.

When he finally got it open, he grabbed Jongin off the ground and yanked him out, locking the door up fast after himself. He pulled him after him in silence, trying to get Jongin as far away from there as possible while not acknowledging any of the other inmates' protests.

"That was not what I meant by you 'learning something'," Taemin growled, hoping nobody else in the station would suspect anything as they hurried through the halls.

"I can do what I want. And you're not my fucking dad; stop touching me!" Jongin countered, pulling free from his grasp. Taemin turned to face him. His cheeks were red and his lips were shiny with spit, and it made Taemin angry for some reason.

"God, you're so..." he started, but trailed off.

"So what?"


"Crazy?" Jongin shrieked. "You stick me in a cell with three criminals over the age of forty and I'm crazy? Fuck you."

"Don't turn this around on me, Jongin. I always have your best interests in mind." Taemin grabbed the boy's hand and pulled him forward. Miraculously, Jongin seemed to follow him.

"Glad to know. I hope me blowing someone else gets you off. And I hope I get syphilis so that the next time you make me suck you off you get infected and die."

"You can't die from syphilis, Jongin," Taemin commented, continuing to walk straight ahead.

Taemin waited for another one of Jongin's stupid, half-witted comebacks, but he got none. Instead, he noticed that Jongin had stopped walking again, and turned around to bark at him to hurry up, only to be met with a couple sniffles and the image of tears rolling down his lowered face once more. He was pale, and his t-shirt looked slightly wet. Taemin didn't know what to do except watch him for a couple minutes, not saying anything he would usually say, like comment about how weak he was under all the bravado and how pathetic he looked when crying. Something stirred in his stomach, and he grabbed for Jongin's hand, carefully this time, before tugging him forward.

"Jongin? I'll let you stay over at my place, alright?"

No response, but he took it, leading Jongin out to his car and sitting him quietly into the backseat, before he drove them off fast down the deathly still roads.


Jongin was tired and lifeless by the time they reached Taemin's apartment, and Taemin spent a good amount of effort trying to get him up the stairs because the elevator was broken. The cuffs were off and Jongin was sleepy, so Taemin maneuvered him straight to his couch, where he pushed him down and found a pillow for his head and a blanket to cover him with, trying to keep his limbs from hanging off the edge. Taemin grimaced at the thought of Jongin lying on his beautiful and clean couch, but told himself to brush it off. Jongin whimpered a lot in his half-sleep, unable to find a comfortable position, and Taemin stayed there with him until fell asleep, finally settling down on his stomach, with his feet sticking out of the blanket, which was much too short for him.

Taemin sighed, sitting on his coffee table. Today had been a long day. For both of them. His apartment looked like a mess, and normally he'd be reluctant about anyone seeing it, but not this time.

He rubbed his eyes, pulling off the top of his uniform. He hadn't wanted to sleep so much since his first day at the Police Academy. That had been a tiring day, with nothing but instructions and training and exercises. He was glad he'd come far from back then. Not too far, but certainly further than being the errand boy for the entire team. Being pushed around and told to do things. That definitely wasn't for him. He glanced at Jongin one last time, before deciding to go to bed. He'd made a mess of him.

Taemin got up and walked over the cold floor, staring at his bedroom door like that would make it come closer. God, he just wanted to fling himself down on his mattress and become one with it. To fall asleep in his perfectly temperatured room, where he had pillows in great abundance. Except when he was halfway there, he stepped on something, and almost fell over.

Kwangmin's teddy bear. Well, Jongin's. One of its eyes had already gone, which was the result of Taemin going to Ikea right after his mistake and buying tons of furniture that he stacked on top of the bear by accident in his momentary frustration.

It wasn't until Taemin picked up the teddy bear from the floor that he remembered today was Friday, which meant it was Jongin's birthday. He didn't even know how old he turned, but he supposed it didn't matter. He walked back quickly and dropped the bear next to Jongin's face, cursing him for causing so much trouble in his life, and then turned back to hit the sheets for good.

In the middle of the night, Taemin heard his door creak open, before it closed with the same hesitancy. He lay awake, eyes somewhat closed. Not too long after he felt a dip on his bed, behind his turned back, and the covers were pulled up to make space for a cold body that crawled in to spoon him from behind, clutching him tight and pressing his face into his upper back.

He refused to acknowledge Jongin for a good while, staring at the neon digits of his alarm clock and keeping his muscles tense. He wasn't even someone who appreciated stuff like this. Who was moved by it. Feelings, vulnerability, was fleeting. But that didn't stop him from turning around and finding Jongin's sleep deprived face, cradling it in his hands gently, though with hid face still stern, and then kissing him into the early hours of the morning. Jongin clutched onto him the whole time, sleepy, slack jaw welcoming and warm the whole while.


"I'm graduating today," Jongin said in the morning, clutching at a cup of coffee that Taemin had poured him, even though he knew Jongin didn't like coffee in the slightest. It was a yellow one, and he'd never used it.

"Oh, is that so?" Taemin said off-handedly, busy with whatever his hands were doing. Making coffe for himself. Or loading the dishwasher. "They're letting you graduate?" He asked, and he could feel Jongin's disappointment all the way from where he was standing, but kept fumbling around, opening and closing the fridge, wiping the counter; turning his stove on and off.

Jongin seemed to ignore the hurtful comment, because he jumped straight to asking a hopeful, "Will you come?"

Taemin stopped in his tracks, staring at the black tiles in his kitchen. He didn't really know what to say. He knew he'd always played a big part in Jongin's life, but he'd never been on that side of it. The good side. The one where Jongin had a parent and expectations and homework and cake with relatives who pinched his cheeks.

"Why would I come to your graduation?" Taemin asked, going back to wiping off the counter. There were crumbs there from like last week, and burgundy circles from wine glasses two nights ago when he'd been too tired to put them in the dishwasher. He really ought to clean more. The bachelor suite deal hadn't been everything he'd thought it would be.

"Never mind," Jongin sighed, before he continued slightly hesitantly, switching topics. "Can I have hot chocolate instead?" He tried, staring at the dark liquid in his cup in mild disgust. "I don't really like--"

"I'll help you dress for it, though, if you want. Your graduation," Taemin suggested quickly. "You probably don't have a suit, right?" He turned to face Jongin fully, crossing his arms over his chest. The boy nodded, and Taemin smiled. "I can fix that for you."


"Your mom will probably appreciate you showing up in something other than jeans."



The rest of that day until Jongin had to get ready for his graduation was spent watching trashy TV and a Quentin Tarantino movie or two. Jongin stayed in his underwear while Taemin got dressed, trying futilely to get the boy to put something on temporarily as well. Jongin refused and claimed it was pointless since he was getting dressed up later, and Taemin gave up on arguing with him, also shoving Jongin away when he got too cosy.

Jongin was sceptical about wearing a suit. He hadn't really worn one before, and Taemin was used to only seeing him in a sweatshirt and shabby jeans. Sometimes a snapback.

He helped Jongin put the suit on nonetheless, trying his best to make it look like it fit him, even though it was slightly too small.

"See? look, you're so handsome already," Taemin said with a smile, smoothing down Jongin's shirt and his suit jacket. "Your mom will probably start crying when she sees you."

"It's stiff and smells like dust," Jongin just mumbled under his breath, but let Taemin tie his tie for him in silence, watching him work in what appeared to be a vague notion of interest.

"It's been sitting in the back of my closet for a couple of years, but it's still better than jeans."

Taemin turned Jongin around so that they could look at him in the mirror. The black suit and white shirt stood out nicely against his skin, and Taemin had fixed his hair back with some gel.

"Dapper," he commented, patting Jongin's tummy. He didn't look very grown up, though. He was still the rowdy little kid that Taemin had had the displeasure of getting to know. "Shall I drive you to school?"



There were more students attending Jongin's school than Taemin had thought, and they were all swarming in to the yard, talking cheerily and laughing. Taemin saw a couple professors than were so old, even he had had them teach him back in the day. Other than that, nobody really came up to talk to Jongin, and so they stood undisturbed together for the most part, silently surveying the commotion.

"So, who are we waiting for?" Taemin asked, looking around expectantly.

"Mom," Jongin answered, checking his phone.

"Ah, yes." Taemin knew Jongin's mother. She was a nice but fragile lady, and he'd been friends with her when he'd first started out in his work field.

Speaking of the devil, Jongin's mother walked up to them no sooner than a minute later, bowing politely to Taemin.

"Ms. Kim," he acknowledged, sending her a warm smile, which she happily returned.

Her biggest smile, however, came when she laid eyes on Jongin. Taemin could see her tearing up, and she brought her hands up to her face.

"Oh, Jonginnie," she cooed, looking at him proudly. "You look so handsome."

"Yeah, yeah," Jongin mumbled, cheeks and ears getting heated with embarrassment. He let her pull him into a tight hug though, and she even kissed his cheek.

"I'm so proud of you for making it. It was close, but you did it!" She stroked Jongin's hair, messing up the shape of it a little, but Jongin didn't say anything. "Your aunt and uncle and grandparents couldn't make it, unfortunately. They send their earnest regards, though."

"I know. Thanks, Ma."

"I'm going to go sit down for a while because I'm a little tired, alright? I'll watch you from the crowd!"

Jongin nodded, and when his mother was gone he turned to Taemin, standing even closer to him than he had before. He was staring at everyone's heads, then at the stage where they would presumably walk up to accept their diploma.

"Everything alright?" Taemin asked, grabbing some refreshments from a table nearby. Jongin hesitated, staring at him as if wanting to say something, before he finally spoke up.

"I don't think I even want to graduate. I'm scared of leaving everything I'm used to behind...and everything's just so don't even know where to go from here."

"It's alright, nobody usually does. Just don't end up with my shitty job," Taemin joked, pointing to his police uniform, which he'd insisted on wearing to the graduation. It was the nicest thing he owned.

"That would be ironic, wouldn't it? Bad boy Jongin standing up for justice and society," Jongin joked, running a hand through his hair. He glanced over to his mother, who was sitting down on a chair, watching the audience fill in. "What a twist ending."

"People can change, you know?" Taemin insisted, trying to catch Jongin's eye while chewing on an olive. "Just because you've labelled and boxed yourself in, doesn't mean you can't still break out of it and surprise people."

"I guess. I don't really want to be a cop, though."

"That's alright," Taemin assured him, moving him towards the rows of seated and the stage. It seemed like everything was about to start. "You don't have to know what you want to do yet."

The graduation was a lot more fun than Taemin had thought it would be, and he kept smiling throughout the whole thing, watching Jongin stand nervously on stage and await his turn. He was so different here, amongst all the teachers and students. It was almost like he was out of his element, and his usual behaviour didn't work, so he lapped himself up with a new one, giving it a test run on the spot. Jongin accepted his diploma with a bigger smile than normal, and Taemin clapped at the mention of his name, even if most of the crowd didn't.

When all things were done with, Taemin sat quietly in his chair while he watched Jongin talk to and hug his mother, before she seemed to excuse herself and walk towards the parking lot. Taemin couldn't even believe she'd made it to the graduation, as sick as she was. After a few more goodbyes to some people, Jongin walked over casually, his hands in his pockets. He looked like we wanted to say something again, but he didn't this time. He just stared at the ground.

"Where are you going now?" Taemin asked him, in an attempt to ease the awkwardness between them. Jongin looked up quickly, and shrugged.

"Well...some of my friends are having a party. You know, to celebrate graduating. I'm going to it."

"That's nice." Taemin smiled. "Have fun."

"Thank you. I will," Jongin replied, stubbing his shoe into the ground and moving some rubble around. He was biting his lip, chewing on it mindlessly. Taemin stared. "About the suit..."

"Yeah, I want it back," Taemin quickly supplied, reaching a hand out to touch the lapel of his shirt. Jongin nodded, clutching his hands behind his back.


Jongin didn't go to the party. Instead, Taemin pushed Jongin into his bedroom after speeding them both home to his apartment, unbuttoning his suit and shirt all in one go, more hastily than he'd ever undressed him before. He then shoved him down on his bed, Jongin's body bouncing at the impact. They were making out hot and heavy, Taemin's hands ever roaming; tweaking, touching, groping.

"Please-- I want you, please, please, please," Jongin begged in between kisses, trying to find Taemin's eyes as he sent him the most sincere look he'd ever worn.

Taemin didn't tease him this time, nor hold back from him or tease him. He just unbuttoned his own shirt and his pants while loosening the tie he'd worn over the uniform, liking how Jongin's was still loosely draped around his neck to remind him that he was fucking a high schooler in his prime. Taemin wondered how different things would have been if he'd chosen to become a teacher instead. He'd probably be fired by now. Jongin did that too him. He could never say no.

"I don't have a condom, Jongin," he said matter-of-factly.

"I don't care," Jongin breathed, pulling him down for more kisses. "And you don't need one; I'm clean."

Taemin played with one of Jongin's nipples as he tasted him, eliciting beautiful moans and whimpers. The nubs were pebbled and hard, stirred by Taemin's gentle touch, and he'd forgotten how easy it was to arouse Jongin, was easily he bent to his will.

He finally pulled away from Jongin's mouth, panting and supporting himself on one of the teen's knees. He urged the boy to spread his legs, before sinking down on his elbows.

"O-officer?" Jongin murmured, and Taemin chuckled, before he dove in to taste him, wrapping his arms around his thighs and sucking on his rim.

Jongin howled, the good way this time, grabbing at the sheets and arching off the mattress as Taemin got down and dirty, sparing no expenses whatsoever. He wanted to eat him up from the inside out and be everywhere on him. He wanted to leave traces of himself on his skin, inside of him, and any other crevice he could fill.

When Jongin reached down to touch his head and grab at his hair, Taemin pulled back, much to the displeasure of the teen.

"No, baby," he said, grabbing Jongin's wrists and leaning back over him again so that he could pin them on either side of his head. "Don't make me cuff you."

Jongin looked too gone and hazy to reply, and just lifted his chin up with an open mouth as if to ask Taemin to kiss him again, which Taemin did. And kissing Jongin was actually really nice. Jongin's mouth was so warm and inviting, and his lips were the softest and most tempting things to bite in the world. He didn't bite, though. He'd save that for some other time. Right now, he was busy reaching into his dresser drawer for his emergency lube bottle, which he hadn't even opened.

"Put it in," Jongin whined, pulling on his shirt impatiently while he looked up at him with tousled hair and reddened lips. His voice was a little horse, and Taemin shut him up by sticking a finger in his mouth, smirking down at him.

"Jonginnie's so impatient today," he cooed, drizzling some lube down on his pained erection completely freestyle. When he deemed it enough, he jerked himself a couple of times to spread and warm the cold liquid properly. Jongin was tonguing his fingers with his eyes closed in pleasure, anticipation written all over his face. "Do you want it now?" Taemin asked, teasing his entrance by running his slippery member up and down the crack. Jongin nodded frantically, practically bucking up to gain more friction. "Have you been a good boy today? Do you deserve it?" Jongin opened his eyes, glancing at him hesitantly. Taemin saw his longing, and decided he didn't want to tease him anymore. "You have, Jongin. You've been such a good boy."

Jongin seemed to relax at that, and half-smiled around his finger. Taemin rewarded him by pulling it out and kissing him again, stroking his neck while doing so. In the midst of it, of all the goodness, Taemin slowly but surely propped himself up against Jongin's hole, before inching himself in little by little. Jongin's mouth went slack at the feeling of being filled, and it only made it easier for Taemin to kiss him, exploring his whole mouth with his tongue.

Jongin reached up to wrap his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist, and Taemin knew he was trying to urge him on, so he started moving, thrusting in and out slow and steady, wanting to hear Jongin whine some more, which he did. He was loud and clingy and moaned at every movement, and Taemin couldn't think of a better time he'd had in his life.


Jongin didn't become a vet, but Taemin took him to visit the animal shelter on weekends, which seemed to bring a glint of light into his eyes. He got a temporary job as a barista in a coffee shop as a means of buying more time until he figured out what he wanted to do with his life, and Taemin tried to stop by there and have a cup when he was on his rounds, checking up on the boy and making sure he was in line.

To say Jongin stopped being bad was a horrible overstatement, but something about him mellowed and smoothed out when Taemin named the couch in his living room Jongin's and sometimes let him sleep in his big bed if Jongin brought with him the teddy bear he'd accidentally purchased for him all that while ago. The boy didn't seem to mind too much, as long as he could fall asleep next to Taemin, and Taemin didn't tell him that he would never turn him down if he showed up at his bedside regardless.


pairing: taemin/kai, title: clinging to not getting sentiment

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