i'm thinking of uploading all my photos online.
is one of these sites better, cheaper, easier to use, etc. than the other,
and should i be looking at other sites as well?
and, is this a silly idea anyhow...?
so, i need to return the mac i'm borrowing from mit
since i'm no longer an rcc, and won't be again (due to graduating from uoregon--yay).
i've saved a bunch of stuff (photos mostly) to a 110gb hard drive, but don't know whether i have them all.
so, i either need to know how to check whether i have everything relevant,
which probably takes forever, or how to back up everything.
ideally both, so i can back up now, and check later.
anyone (in boston-area) have black duct or gaff tape, to fix a shoe (cosmetically, before tomorrow)?
a non-important strap came un-sewn/glued/whatever... detached, anyhow, and it looks,
well, inappropriate for a wedding... which is tomorrow.
but, it's not until 3pm, so maybe i can get new shoes by then.
i knew i should've brought more than one pair of dance shoes..