Borrowed from
1. Where did you begin 2007? In a hotel room in Calgary with a very unpleasant hangover.
2. What was your status by valentine's day? Single
3. Were you in school (anytime this year)? Yes
4. Did you have to go to the hospital? No
5. Did you have any encounters with the police? Yes, my house was broken into
6. Where did you go on vacation? I spent November in Peru and Ecuador
7. Did you purchase an item that was over $500? My airfares to South America
8. Did you know anybody who got married? No
9. Did you know anybody who passed away? Yes
10. Did you move anywhere? No
11. Did you attend any sporting events? Some football and hockey games
12. What concerts did you go to? Rascal Flatts
13. Describe your birthday: I had a small wine and cheese party at my place
14. What was the one thing you said you would not do but did in 2007? Lose 40 lbs
15. What has been your favorite moment(s)? My trip, M, some times spent with good friends
16. Any new additions to your family? No
17. What was your best month? September-present
18. Who has been your best drinking buddy? Gemma was awesome!
19. Made new friends? Many, many
20. Favorite night out? Cusco, December 1, September 8... there have been many
21. Overall, how would you rate this year? 8.5 out of 10
22. Other than home, where did you spend most of your time? Calgary
23. Change your hairstyle? No
24. Have any car accidents? No
25. How old did you turn this year? 33
26. Do you have a new year's resolution? Throw out my really ugly pants, lose that last 20 lbs, do well at school, find a better job
27. Do anything embarrassing? Probably
28. Buy anything new from eBay? No
29. Get married or divorced? No
30. Get arrested? No
31. Be honest - did you watch American Idol? Absolutely not!
32. Did you get sick this year? Yes
33. Been snowboarding? No
34. Are you happy to see 2007 go? Doesn't matter, it's going to go so there isn't any point in worrying about it
35. Been naughty or nice? Depends on who you ask