Title: Daddy Issues
Fandom: Iron Man/Marvel
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: If I owned it, the gay would be way more obvious.
Summary: Every time his father's voice grew cold and hurtful and dismissive, Tony knew there was something he'd failed to do.
Daddy Issues
Even as a child, Tony Stark was more perceptive than he let on. Every time his father trailed off into silence, every time his eyes grew distant, every time his father's voice grew cold and hurtful and dismissive, Tony knew there was something he'd failed to do. He didn't know what it was, still has no clue, but every time he cried at night (didn't cry, boys don't cry, his father looked disappointed when he cried), he was consumed with the knowledge that he must have done something wrong.
It was a pain that stayed with him after the accident, and it's still at the back of his head. Sometimes, even when he drinks until he nearly passes out, Tony still tries to figure it out, solve the problem (because that's what made his father proudest, when Tony solved problems), but he never can, and he ends up curled up on the floor, a bottle clutched in his limp fingers, and even when he dreams Tony still can't do anything right.