LBD, What Else?

Jan 18, 2013 09:40

The Lydia Bennet episode 26:
God, Lydia is looking rougher and rougher. It's really intense to see the writers' 21st century version of "being ruined", here highlighting the corrosive process of being in a manipulative, abusive relationship. I mean, it's not clear that he is in anyway physically abusing her, but does any one doubt that he's emotionally abusing her? And in #26, his manipulation of the camera and obsession with Lizzie made it pretty clear to me that he is actively trying to get back at Lizzie *and* Darcy all at once, which makes it ever worse for Lydia. Man. This is going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better. (Do you think Lydia has gotten into drugs? Between how awful she looks and the references to her old habit of stealing prescription drugs from her babysitting clients... Oi, Oi, Oi. How are the days between new eps so looooooooooooong?)

Lizzie Bennet Diaries episode 80:
AHHHHHHHHH! The awkwardness! The geeking out! Darcy's willingness to portray himself! Bringing his own newsie hat! *dies* I like that Darcy, even knowing Lizzie's position perfectly well, still isn't willing to pander to her just to get her good opinion. He acknowledges what he did wrong, but still holds to who he is in his reasoning. And Lizzie is pissed, but you know that will linger, that she's doubting herself too. Man. SO GOOD. And yet so, so, so killing me, knowing the trainwreck that is going on without their knowledge. LYDIA! (God, the thing about this transformative work is that they have made the characters all so much more real, so nuanced and fleshed out. I've never liked Lydia before.)

And now, a bazillion fic recs, because I have been devouring everything I can.

nevermind that we're not touching now by monsterbate (LBD, Lizzie/Darcy)
never mind that we're not touching now, because our shadows are holding hands in the dark behind our backs
Great Lizzie POV of post-ep 78 and the fallout through the upcoming Lydia fallout. Plus, Gigi and Dr. Gardiner!

bridging the schism by abvj (LBD, Lizzie/Darcy)
The details are, undoubtedly, his favorite part of any plan. Or: How Darcy plans to fix this mess. People always underestimate him in these types of situations.
Darcy POV fics are rare, and good ones are even rarer. This one presents just such a perfect glimpse into Darcy, a guy who has his flaws sure, but is also CEO of his own company. I love characters who get underestimated.

Progress by aeternamente (LBD, Lizzie/Darcy)
The day after Darcy's unexpected meeting with Lizzie, he feels strangely happy...
Another Darcy POV with FITZ!!! What more do you need?

like sugar on my tongue by emperessarwig (LB, Lizzie/Darcy)
Wherein Lizzie is kidnapped and forced to sing karaoke.
The slow burn of giving it all a second chance. Plus, Gigi and Fitz!!!

Fitz and Gigi's Excellent Adventure by Anjali-Organa (LBD, Gigi, Lizzie/Darcy)
No one ships Lizzie/Darcy harder than Fitz and Gigi.
GOD, this fic! Yay Fitz and Gigi! There is shipping hilarity, of course, but this is really a fic about Gigi. Oh, and how awesome Fitz is.

lizziebennetdiaries, fic rec: lbd

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