Broke my heart. BROKE MY HEART. So wrong. :( But... I'm keeping on with it. I read interviews with Taraji Henson and she said it was always thought to kill her off in two or three seasons. She never really wanted to do a seven season type deal. STILL SHE WAS AWESOME AND... boo :(
I was disappointed too at the death of a strong female lead. I liked Carter a lot. I kept thinking - yes a woman, a minority, who is assertive, smart, kick-ass - and WHA---? She dies??? Not cool. Personally I'm okay with Root dying (she creeps me out which might be the point). Carter was also the only *balanced* woman on the show though. Shaw has emotional problems and Root has mental health issues. (I guess I don't think of Zoe as a regular - she's balanced too, I'll grant that).
I'm hoping they're going to manage it well. I'm still going to give it a go. Try to trust the writers a little. We'll see...
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I'm hoping they're going to manage it well. I'm still going to give it a go. Try to trust the writers a little. We'll see...
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