jenny&emily. it's catching on.

Jan 13, 2005 18:37

movie one today, song one tomorrow. or maybe later tonight? ♥

so yeeeeuh... rules.
01. Pick fifteen movies that you have special feelings about.
02. Pick quotes from the movie.
03. Have people on your friends list guess them in a comment [without looking them up!] + cross them off as they are guessed. People can guess more than one.

01. "Don't fuck me, Tony. Don't you ever try to fuck me."

02. "Who's the only one here who knows the illegal ninja moves from the government?"

03. "Ma'am, do you have this in the next size up?
"Sorry, we only carry sizes 1, 3, and 5. You could try Sears."

04. [reading] "Come out and relax on a farm, open holidays only."
"Open holidays only? Say, how many of them are there?"
"About 15. That gives me 350 days to kick around in!"

05. "Can I ask you something? Do you know where Harvard is?"
"It's near Boston."
"No I mean, do you really know where Harvard is? It's another planet man, another universe. Totally unlike the one we know. Filled with big blonde guys who eat ivy and row boats. What I'm trying to say is, you and Corey just aren't made for each other. She's different from you."

06. "Is your mommy here?"
"No, sir. Actually, she's out at the market buying Pampers for all us kids."

07. "Suck my fat one, you cheap dimestore hood."

08. "Daniel-san, must talk. Man walk on road. Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk down middle, sooner or later, get squished."

09. "Hey perv, hand over your fifteen bucks or get out of here."
"What are you doing?"
"Making money from guys oogling my goodies."
"Ahhh I didn't need to hear that. That was an overshare."

10. "Hey there, Mr. Grumpy Gills. When life gets you down do you wanna know what you've gotta do?"

11. "In Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns."

12. "Posers were people who looked like punks but they did it for fashion. And they were fools, they'd say "anarchy in the UK." What the fuck's that? Anarchy in the UK. What good is that to those of us in Utah, America? It was a Sex Pistols thing. They were British, they were allowed to go on about Anarchy in the UK. You don't live your life by lyrics."

13. "Don't you understand, Rachel? She never sleeps."

14. "Can I have one last first kiss?"

15. "This afternoon, we walked into a fruit store, and the clerk thinks I'm some out-of-town hick. "Those apples will be two bucks each", he tells me. I pass over a five. And as he's about to give me a dollar change, I say "keep it, we're even. On the way in, I stepped on a grape."

wooooooooooord. all done. gg kthx.
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