This cut-tag thing almost never works for me, but let's give it a try.
After jumping the shark badly in S2, Glee came back with a decent S3. S4 was, again, rocky to start with--trying to transition to a new cast wasn't easy and they didn't get the balance right in the beginning, but I really do think the show is settling down. I'm starting to know and care about the new kids.
For a show that's ostensibly about "show choir" this show sometimes goes a long time without music, but whatever. I'm not sure how long I'll stick with it, though. In the beginning, it was the music of the show choir that hooked me and they've left all of that behind in favor of a lot of artists whose music I don't know and don't much care for.
NCIS has been and remains my favorite show on television. I don't know why--I'm not a bit fannish about it. I just love it--I've been watching it from the first episode and loving the people more every week.
Wasn't thrilled with this past week's episode--although I guess, when I think about it, playing McGee as an emotional softy who couldn't resist comforting someone in pain is not really out of character. For the woman to demand that kind of comfort, though--it was grotesquely inappropriate for her to use McGee as some kind of substitute for Gibbs and it offended me.
One thing this show tends to do badly is women in power--the women on the team are fine but other powerful women in the show are generally weak. The more power they have, the worse they use it. (Hello? Directory Jenny? Combined using her position to spy on Gibbs' personal life with a private vendetta against a 'criminal' her superiors had told her to leave alone.) The feminist in me hates that--but I love the characters on the show so much that I keep forgiving it.
I'm still behind on Eureka (awaiting season 4.5 from the library) but really, really enjoying it. Something about the premise tempted me back when the show was new but what with one thing and another, I never quite remembered to turn it on. Now I'm mainlining the past seasons and entirely charmed.
A friend introduced me to Primeval and at first, I watched all I could get my hands on. The show suffers badly from the long stretches it was on hiatus and from the cast changes, but the central premise was still interesting. I haven't reached out to find the last season yet--I'm not sure why. I tend to love shows because I love the characters--it may be that this show introduced such radical personality changes in the characters so quickly that my heart isn't able to follow?
Thanks to the library, I've also (as mentioned in a previous post) been mainlining old The Man From U.N.C.L.E.episodes and laughing. The show hasn't held up that well--it's watchable but some episodes are just barely watchable. At the same time, it reminds me of my love of it all those years ago. It does have a charm all its own--in my case, that's mostly just loving Ilya--and I certainly understand the fandom that developed (revived?) back when the DVDs were released.
Things I would watch/try if there were more hours in the day I could devote to television:
White Collar - Repeated exposure to the information that people whose opinions I trust like this show is convincing me I should have given it a shot.
Sherlock - No reason--I don't need a reason. The title says it all.
The list of things I'd like to watch--or at least sample--in the anime world is far too long to post. .
Of course, if I didn't spend so much time rewatching episodes of shows that I've seen half a dozen times already, I'd have more time for new material. On the other hand, my sister told me last night that she read that rewatching old episodes like that is a way our brains have of recharging and rebalancing us--it's good for us!
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