Feb 28, 2010 21:38
Time for an at least semi-official answer on the Narita Saikyou question.
No.37564 "Mob Combatant" (Center of the World, Hariyama-san series) << Pretty much official. We know this one would win against Claire and Ronnie (Baccano!), Shizuo (Durarara!!), and probably even Hawking (Vamp!).
Hawking (Vamp!) << According to Wikipedia, he's basically a black hole. Communicates via telepathy. Is fond of light. When he jumps from one end of the universe to the other we observe supergravity. And fortunately can never visit the earth.
Tier 1
Claire Stanfield, Ronnie Sukiart (Baccano!), Heiwajima Shizuo (Durarara!!)
Tier 1.5
Nile (Baccano!) << He's in this awkward position because he lost to Shizuo but beat Christopher.
Tier 2 << Lost to/implied to be not as strong as Tier 1/1.5 characters but defeats every other character in their series
Christopher Shouldered, Graham Specter, Ladd Russo (Baccano!), Simon Brezhnev, Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!)
Tier 3 << "Can put up a fight with Tiers 1-2 characters but that's not really what they do" type of characters
Chane Laforet, Adele (Baccano!), Orihara Izaya (Durarara!!)