Hey, how do you feel about uhm... letting me borrow your LJ Venn Diagram icon? (with credit of course) Or if you didn't make it, could you tell me who did and where I might find them?
I think we have 0 friends in common so its not like you'll have to see me parading around with your icon reminding you of the good times when everyone liked you because you had it. Although I did notice your icon through Mason High School Alum, so its entirely possible we could cross paths.
Thanks in advance for any help you may or may not offer.
Comments 3
I think we have 0 friends in common so its not like you'll have to see me parading around with your icon reminding you of the good times when everyone liked you because you had it. Although I did notice your icon through Mason High School Alum, so its entirely possible we could cross paths.
Thanks in advance for any help you may or may not offer.
I did not make it, a friend sent it to me, but I have no idea where she got it...
Not a fan of pants either?
I enjoy pants in small doses, but I can relate to being happy without them.
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