Title: Never Regret
Pairings/Characters: Urahara Kisuke, Shihōin Yoruichi, Soi Fong
Spoilers: none
Warnings: angst? fluffiness? I’m not sure how to categorize this one
Rating: PG
Word Count: 169
borammy fanart ficWritten for: week #45
bleach_contestDescription: Urahara muses on Yoruichi and Soi Fong
Beta: none (sorry) this was very last second
notes: You might need to check out the
artwork here for the connection to the prompt to make sense.
He hadn’t seen her in over a hundred years, but one look and Urahara knew he had broken Soi Fong’s heart when he took Yoruichi away with him.
Soi Fong would forever look over her shoulder now, just to reassure herself that Yoruichi hadn’t been taken from her again. For that, Urahara would be forever sorry. However, as Yoruichi once again brought her massive power to bear on the Arrancar that were slowly overwhelming them, he would never regret having Yoruichi with him in exile.
It wasn’t her power he coveted, though it was considerable, it was her heart, and her friendship that he would never have survived without.
Urahara mused that they were a beautiful sight fighting back to back, two incredibly strong women with determination beyond measure, each with similar techniques, but an approach uniquely their own.
Those two women truly belonged together. But, if he had to do it all over again, he’d be just as selfish, and take Yoruichi with him. Again. In this life. In every life.