30 Days of Slash Meme: Day 3 and 4

Mar 21, 2012 20:45

DAY 03: Favourite Canon Gay Couple
Alex Delaware Novels, Milo/Rick

Tiny drabble to go with this:

Title: Weekend
Author: AnnieVH
Summary: Living with a cop means that, sometimes, he'll take you to places you wouldn't dream to go.
Rating: PG
Genre: humor
Characters or Pairing: Milo/Rick
Prompts: drables100 052. Fire
Words: 100
Warning: none
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: don't own, just borrow

Living with a cop means that, sometimes, he'll take you to places you wouldn't dream to go. Like a shooting range, for example. And though Rick doesn't really like guns, he found Milo to be a great instructor and ended up having a good time. Plus, there's always the priceless look on the face of the doctors that scorn behind his back and use the F word (the f-a-g word) when he's not listening, when Rick says, "You were dragged to a Celine Dion concert? I’m sorry. My partner took me out to a shooting range. And a nice dinner."

DAY 04: Favourite Kiss
Mine don't kiss.
Not even the canon ones. They just hug.

meme: 30 days of slash

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