DAY 21: Top 5 Fanvids of Your Slash Pairings
Mycroft/Lestrade, Sherlock (BBC)
Those Things You Do
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Both by duchesscloverly
Danny/Martin, Without a Trace
Chasing Cars
by meuraillllah disabled, sorry.
Hotch/Reid, Criminal Minds
by prettylittlepinksock
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Hotch/Reid is more a now and then kind of slash couple of mine - my OTPs for Criminal Minds are also Het (Hotch/Prentiss and Morgan/Garcia) - but this vid is still one of my favorites.
Multiple, Queer as Folk
Opening Titles to Queer as Folk
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I know it is not centered around one specific couple and I may not ship QAF's couples as hard as I ship, say, Mystrade. But it is still my favorite slash video, the first time I watched it (long before I started watching the show) it brought me to tears. It's beautiful, the tune is happy and it screams of queer/sex pozzie.