It's just some stuff.
I always stay up really late. And when I don't have to work the next day, like tonight (last night, actually), I stay up even later. And during the night hours I usually go through a series of emotions and thoughts. And I find them distressing to varying degrees. When it's light out, things feel different. Whoever wrote about the sun clearing cobwebs from the mind was right on. Well, about me yesterday. But there are certain things that just don't go away.
Recently there's something on my mind, and it's rather consuming. I literally can't work at times because I'm thinking about it and I can't get it under control. I can still work in general, so it's not serious, but it feels significant. I suppose if it lasts it would become quite significant. It's just so weird because there's something intense about the subject matter and it hit so fast. But I think it'll pass and then it won't matter anymore.
Once in awhile I start going to bed at a more reasonable time. It's almost never actually early enough, and it never lasts. Someone says they read somewhere that there is or there may be a gene for night owls, or the After Hours Gene. I dunno. I developed this behavior in middle school. It was fully integrated long before starting high school. I read somewhere that adult personality and habitual behaviors are established during high school and early college years. I guess I am not certain if my lack of discipline allowed this behavior and then I trained myself into it, or if I am simply meant to be this way and it materialized at that age. I suppose what I read did not say anything about a cause and effect. If it was the latter, then the results of the research I read would simply be an obvious phenomenon. But I guess part of the whole gene thing is about how our clocks work and reset, not just a straight set of hours.
Link one,
link two,
link three.
Everything about nighttime is different.