Well. I was just about thnking of going to bed, but not any more.
Sparks was looking like she needed to go out, so I took her out, and she peed, and then wandered off to the corner where she likes to poop, did her Pooping Is Srs Bzns routine where she wanders around looking for the Perfect Spot, and all was well until she finished up. Then all hell broke loose, as she suddenly started screaming and booked it past me and into the house, at top OMFG GRUES speed. I gave chase, as one does when it sounds like one's puppy is horribly injured, wondering if she'd stepped on a confused bee or been bitten by a spider.
I managed to get her before she disappeared behind the blue couch (her current Puppy Fortress of Solitude and Clandestine Carpet Destroying) and the Weasel, who was looking rather shaken, got me paper towels, because as far as I could see Sparks was freaking out because she still had poop hanging off her bottom.
I think she ate a bunch of carpet fluff and tennis ball fuzz, because there was a knot of compacted fiber in her poop, which apparently wasn't passing right. Whatever it as, once I got the poop off Sparks stopped screaming her little head off and started investigating her own bottom, as if wondering what all had been going on.
And I indulged in a little shaky, post-adrenalin spike laughter with the Weasels. Surprise puppy screaming is hard on the old nerves.
I really hope I'm not in for a repeat performance tomorrow. o_o
Entry originally posted at
annoyedwabbit on Dreamwidth.org