Vividcon 2009 Vidshow Review Notes

Aug 21, 2009 19:49

Here are all of my notes on the Vividcon 2009 vidshow reviews. I apologize in advance for their fragmentation and some of it being hard to understand, I did the best I could in recording and typing these up but missed some things. If you notice any mistakes, feel free to correct me and I'll change them. Also if you'd like attribution, let me know and I can do that too, it's just really hard to keep track of that AND take notes. I hope these are useful to anyone interested.

Vid Review
-wow, detachable penis for the new millennium
-it was awesomesauce
Sea Fever
-loved it following metaphor, vid is metaphor
-metaphor of sea, people are sailors, must do or die, one good day makes up for shit
-love starting out with PG looking at theater, the folding chair end, only theater, people drawing passion
-great song choice, between skull and literary lyrics it said Shakespeare
-great pacing that flows smoothly, waves rolling, it carries you
-appreciate slowness, pacing, shots not too long, space for ind.? shots
-old style, old fashioned in a good way, powerful, lets vid take time, when to cut short and long, love this vid
-getting it right, know what they're doing, vidder knows what she's doing
Fight the Power
-VCR vidder is Meryl Streep in career, having fun, appreciated
-no one got Tropic Thunder meta in class, loved seeing people get it
-no desire to see Tropic but LOVE vidding, insert vid clip makes love
-favorite part: fake trailer, favorite part of movie, great Yuletide fandom
-rick rolling was too long
-conversation with audience, how is it going to play in repeated viewings?
-paced for audience, gives joke, then laugh, wait for next joke, not going to work as well at home, already get joke
-themes in show: lots of meta, self-aware, self-referential, pure meta and self referential tone
-meta vid, letter to vid community
-meta also, used RDJ as white man to pimp out black man, only white pictures, fandom embraces problematic in sometimes cracked out way
All Apologies
-poor Edward is always constipated, beautiful last 30 seconds, made sense out of bizarre song, serious and tongue in cheek, balanced well
-wasn't sure if it was supposed to be funny, if I laughed wasn't sure if it would piss someone off
-looked like cop show I haven't seen, Forks HS told them what it was, didn't like song but vid helped, good vid to stay
-vid captured what book was, teenager, so serious and so ridiculous at same time, ultra 90s seriousness appreciation
-summary said the vid was funny, didn't quite work because don't know source, but gives permission to find funny
-how many vids rely on blurb, forgot blurb, not obvious...are blurbs spoilers?
Grown So Ugly
-not standout Angel vid but good, doesn't leap out of crowd, made me go wow by song choice, don't usually see, genius song choice, would have liked less black (same as lots of vids), you're using black clips wrong
-vid took awhile to snap into focus, doing what I have not seen, did something new, Angel/Buffy and Angel/Darla as same reactions to opposite things
-counted clips to beats, they're doing it on one beat that heresluck taught us (in Timing panel)
-Understanding Audience: seen Angel a billion times, used well known clips as shorthand, Angel's life sucks a lot, get that without Angel knowledge, confused
-liked it a lot, looked like theyd seen a lot of vids, character study of asshole boyfriend, both assholes (Angel and Angelus), how different is Angel vs. Angelus, interesting take on established discussion
We Are
-so much T:TSCC is about vids, emotional shown visually but this shows how violent it all is, song asks whose responsible for this
-what I love is without watching the show, understood mythos without it, recruiter vid
-loved, trio of Terminator models are manipulating humans around, shows they're working in cahoots, what are we in control of, free will?
-controlled chaos, helped make sense of crazy
-vidgasm: so intelligent, flow so beautiful, visual feast, watch many times, body falls in water/terminator was great
-liked framing device, lines on highway, constantly in motion
-theme of pairs, fandoms (Merlin), songs (Paul Simon), two frames, pairing references, tough for vids then compare to other one, technical things I didn't get, screen split, strobing wasn't sure intentional
-wow this makes it look like the show brings out deep issues
-lots of layer, lots of information going on, lots of meaning to convey but too much to penetrate, so much going on, so detailed to get it all, too dense
-need to read summary to get it, beautiful....ohh she's Cassandra, would have liked title in beginning, that would have helped
-blurb underestimated audience, didn't need history lesson, softer blurb without being stark in syllabus class
Hard Sun
-fucking hard to make a Firefly vid look new but this did
-need lyrics in beginning to get, ivory tower, when I'm with she's good, great intro, chorus mix, we're traveling with her, fandom always with us
-visually amazing, as vid it was random Firefly vids to me, framing of visual, didn't get story from vid
-what story is it telling?
-vidshow was experimental vids that don't quite work: spent half of vid not getting point, what's tying together both shots, happiness of show into daily life, comment on evocation of human moments/warmth, wanted to build to realization
-taking fandom with you, talk about personal experience of fandom, wanted more vidders in it, it attached to them personally vs. more vids, built to brad walking away
-vid was story of Firefly, fall in love, it goes away even if you have fandom, all of ship trying to fix, the rain still comes, the show is going to end
-worked incredibly well, had to be Firefly, Firefly as a fandom, Firefly invites fan response, browncoats, belongs to source, great video footage, need video footage, emotional story, happiness, yes I'm part of us, I love them, they love me
See the USA
-don't we miss product placement, it is what it is, iconic thing in SPN
-style love, got it, wanted more style throughout with visuals, a bit more old timey
-adored this vid, love car, spoke to me, America, black and white, careful clip selection, great mood, loved it
-loved it, missed America from show, liked 1st season focus
-liked style of closing shot, perfect could have used sprawling lyric titles like in 50s movies
-always love SPN vid that doesn't take show seriously, same freaking road w/new town name was funny
-funny vid, heightened critique of show, failed to play out like road movie, vidder puts in what they missed
Pretty When You Cry
-colored borders have symbols to reflect characters (not in Premieres show but on DVDs). tried to figure out what was going on, distracted
-original: convinced it didn't have wallpaper, played differently, don't miss black strobing (from earlier trend of vidding), fallen out of favor, used on popular vid, if kept that, wanted clips to last all of heartbeat, needed more to cue in, black predominated
-three things: 1) omg vid is going to hurt 2) fascinated by sexual violence, FV (?) baby: ALL violence, most, ending handing toward you, I AM the poor girl
-loved it (black), worked to convey psychotic, fragmentation (better not brilliant), disturbing but loved
-strobing made hard to watch, worked with last clip, experienced like dolls, starting to remember but not enough to hold onto it
-contextual or meta as stalker Alpha or Joss
-borders as pov?
Mad About You
-book end with ending, beginning says so much with that, subtle, female sexuality in...?
-loved song choice, made it move, agreed structure of woman's life with undergarments
-love this vid, turning point in mid vid, sexy at first, romantic then wives show up and ohhh
-ashamed as man, point was men in 60's were bastards down to DNA (still love you)
-don't watch, fannish osmosis to know, know wives, wanting to be 3 wives for 3 characters, didn't know right from beginning
-started watching Mad Men two weeks ago, didn't expect women to be important in story but they are, true to source
-great for me watching, thankful I don't have to live there, how complicated mine is, guys still sexy but don't want to date, want Don but don't, complicated position as viewer
-loved show, loved the title card, wisp of smoke, illusory fade of way, girldle with femininity, use of power (of femininity), preparing to go into man's world, three different ways of being female in world, two opposite journeys (of Peggy and Joan in ad firm), mirroring at end, vulnerable, naked, brutalizing, men don't see them
Learn to Crawl
-loved, great classic slash vid, showed evolution, intense relationship but didn't see it that way
-wasn't clear whether manipulated color, great use of color, builds, before disaster there were brilliant blues and pinks, when Kat falls apart, there are greys and yellow, brings emotion
-bizarrely reminded of wonder of birds, different vid, balance emotional shots with other stuff happening, ferocious flavor of longing (not throughout vid), metaphor, things blew up, deftly handled
-vidgasm: kneeling lyrics, shoulder moment, ohhh
-great vid, got emotional impact of it, is one of them going to die, tension
Sleeping With Ghosts
-how eternal the pairing is, it never dies, meta vid as ship vid
-how recently..., fics mind meld from previous spock>new visual represent
-meta vid as Star Trek, worked
-clip choices with parallels worked well, liked search for spock footage
-passing of torch, reminds why I can accept new reboot
-sleeping with ghosts, new resolved with old, just from title
-wish mind meld was bookended to bring together
It Comes and Goes In Waves
-favorite of show, stands out
-not seen: works as recruiter vid, slowly but then had things I loved: violence, blood
-liked accessibility, know crime stories, clip choice, played on conventions so could get it
-visual composition was great, red hat, seagull, so beautiful to watch shots
-blurb takes away, so shocked to not see what I expect, blurb's a spoiler
-vid worked well emotionally, song choice brilliant, emotional connection to character
Turn Around
-tough time: already did it, didn't offer me anything, skull on the ground, bones on the ground
-what worked for me: captured grisly humor, not ship vid but ensemble
-wanted it shorter, pacing built, at end forgot because skulls got more gruesome, funny end, cut out a verse to be better, bones got silly
-don't know Bones, thought it was awesome
-pov focused in watching, lack of consistent pov distracted
Video Helped the Rock Star
-first though this was about film tech, oh it's about the witch
-watched vid but confused on what I was supposed to get, this is a wicked vid, read notes on site and still don't get
-style: clear visual like See the USA, Mad About You, It Comes and Goes in Waves, use version of movie, so clean, beautiful, it was Wicked, witch was radio star, loved use of color in show
-radio star played well, no sadistic characters anymore like Witch, don't see them unbalanced
-vid left with question, we see in 4 by 3, why made choice? -(reply)movie wasn't in widescreen at time
-needed to watch vid again, quote about best kind of huh wow and not wow, huh, that (first) kind of vid
American Tune
-going to cry again
-loved to take smart people and make them look like every man, familiar images, good facial expressions
-big emotion: still every frame, mashed buttons, bawling, favorite vid of con
-enjoyed a lot, love Spydaddy version, loved TWW but 2/3 clip by clip, better than vid or not, then relaxed
-opposite: love vid, brought emotion, critique: literal play to songs being suns, grand emotions swung a bit too much
-liked live crowd noise, tied to political happenings
-different version suited, the end worked much differently if Obama didn't win
-choice of using live (pair-Long Spear), enhanced vud experience, felt a part of live audience
-impressed with ensemble pov, showed all characters using same gesture, brilliant
Make Your Own Gesture
-interesting use of Glee=make your own
-loved use of Glee, made happy, carried us with deadlines, helped bridge into new season
-meta vid as fandom, make our own kind of music
Then The Morning Comes
-Is what it is, there to make you aww
-deep abiding love of people get paid to do this, felt love from vidder, infectious
-salute=aww, kid does salute and then change at end
-fan saves the day, meta comment
-music + show = brilliant, silly, happy
-loved it but didn't do anything but show GQ, just recap
Location, Location, Location
-warning scared shit out of me
-title was helpful, usually character love, characters as part of show, wanted to step away but kept in
-clever idea but way too long, focused on sets, vid resonated with Firefly, threesome with Tropic vids, isiosyncratic branch out ideas, can't get over same space, not a parallel that I'd think of, all interesting as watching through fan
-different but drawn out, text could have put notes
-designed to play online, not vidshow
-more successful if there was a character study>crossover?
Every State Line
-blurbs: needs to say without opening, is vid not saying what it is, is it playing differently?
-self-referential with audio, like idea, vid felt weaker than narration, wanted to see more legend, another SPN vid
-reference legend, expect epic but song choice didn't expect
-song worked well with voiceover, experimenting vids, liked storytelling, didn't need epic, sitting around campfire telling ghost stories
-framing worked for me, telling story of people as characters, fact of being a legend
That was Another Country
-good song choice, good fragmented narrative, can't believe peanut butter makes cry
-vid worked because by the end of the vid, felt like I knew this guy
-stunning because body doesn't normally get attention, good to see joyous, loved, taken away, made powerful
-vid worked well as recruiter vid, beautiful mind (similar to), what's going on, these things could be true, made connect, that guy from LOTR (they're in love)
-music worked beautifully, couldn't get lyrics, what's being said is important
Comfortably Numb
-find pattern brilliant, things overlapping, broken, trying to fix herself, great song choice
-loved cover, two voices with Cameron and Allison, identity
-Allison's story as Cameron, whose real, hard time to find where supposed to look, need to watch again
-can't think without the wall, loved flashlight
-cover, mass produced classic> timed into personal women's story (like movie to T:TSCC)
-worked well for me, fact that context switch, that's what machines do (frames)
Go Baby
-best intro ever
-shiny happy fluffy movie/song
-don't know how deeply we can go, disconnect about boy in song
-I liked things they were doing, same motion to kick ass
-control issue with charlie but at end tall blond big grin, push button + explosion, I am in control
-wanted a better vid to song after earlier one
-about color, movement, power among women, clear vibrant style, love them already, in charge of bodies, joy, didn't think of guy, women, images of power
-really loved, brightness was too much, not matters?, yellow too
beautiful dirty rich
(perfect pause after watching clip of Adam's face)
-bandom vids with Led Zeppelin, sherrold's show, self aware with use of headlines with flamboyantly gay
-gosh we love him, sexy, also meta commentary
-needs more sparkles
When Your Mind's Made Up
-classic vid, classic fandom, style of cutting, uniform
-different take of Duncan...not mine
-of course you'll lonely, you killed all your friends
Dark Room
-beautiful use of instrumental, good pacing, didn't need lyrics for emotion, brilliant
-Cassandra didn't work, this did, believed in depth, came out wow
-if this was what Merlin was like, I'd love the show, instinctual knowledge of cross cutting, masterful assembly with establishing shots
-successful most with Arthurian legend
Heaven Is A Place on Earth
-find it to be disconnect, wanted it to be funnier (crawl out) land softly for me
-not fandom, get in joke about SPN fandom about what's going on in it, fannish osmosis made work
-hit embarrassment squick, mocking them, I felt affection of them
In My Veins
-so much going on with color, blues read, dull, we get...
-find out how she dies, what her boundaries are, how do I be in this world, vid effective
-made vid softer, effects overdone, play with color w/o that much color
-washed out vs. sharper, what does it say?
-fascinated by relationship, set it up as creepy with all men + Sylar, cut off head, what do I care
-99% is Heroes but tiny bit of T:TSCC
Boy On A String
-loved heresluck's vid so wanted to bask in it so fell behind, wanted to be fair
-thrown by song choice, liked concept but contrast between song/source doesn't work, left turn
Keeper of the Fire
-awww of Wonderfalls and then shit goes down, ohhh
-Prophets, doom, in which god talks to women, its little things vs. men apocalypse
-oh shit, god is scary, story of prophets
-successfully elevated female prophets, fault of canon, vid rescued, some intense experience
-experience of divine, scared shitness, which way to go, what is speaking from to me, pre Vatican II, sister explains good/bad angel
-use of Sam as not from God pulled out
How the West Was Won
-well edited, know song then know where it's going, tone doesn't work, hard to stay engaged to big payoff
-didn't know, still payed off with Zoe
-like sharp contrast with cartoon octopus, ooh where's this going
-a bit glazed and then at end, holy shit, what happened
-tech: when saw Summer Glau, went to robot place, dissonance
-I went to robot place
Don't Stop Me Now
-loved movies, went on too long, cut after second chorus, lost impact, wanted haha, love was wearing down
-wanted progression of fun/science to horror of creation
-loved color and look, parallel to vidding, final cut
They Don't Know
-great example of awesome, could have been bad, doing fun, fuck rest of the world
-cartoonizing, showing cartoon version of perfect joy, no darkness
-only works for rose, blonde haired
-loved this vid, turn in bloody vidder card, this is what happened when happy, perfect
-effect didn't work, reads as creepy to me, hoping to grow
-rare comedy, high concept that could have been longer, personal issues so had to cut middle verse, wished it was there, lots of fandoms that could have been included
-really liked framing device, seen SGA vid many times, liked scattershot, everyone join in
-miscued as SGA vid, SGA went on too long, wanted much shorter SGA opening
-this is how I perceive our relationship, babble, kirk/spock, don't you get me john, rodney is a fan
Long Spear
-did not work for me
-present as meta vid, now universe vid, now ship, now meta, get complete arc, audio jars at end, obama was just in a star trek vid
-had it first before you guys, women's voice on screen but hear what women have to say too
-didn't kick in til li li li, soured but reminded me of love
-liked it, expanded Star Trek with audio, familiar, all shows->fan...all of this combined, everything but the kitchen sink, chaos of whole phemomen, get messy
-so much in middle, had forgotten set up
-loved what vid was doing not the way it did, effected emotion, needed more time, attention to detail
-felt emotion was there but pissed off at same time, felt cheap, crazy, insane, 30 years of Trek, cool, wow

In Depth Vid Review
Marble House
-I don't watch Doctor Who: bookends with war, as you go through time you see awful things of humanity but still see good
-two part Human Nature, what the vids about
-are we worth saving by Time Lord
-strong emotional resonance because of Children of Earth, possible reasons why the Doctor doesn't come
-Doctor isn't in vid much, mostly John Smith and Martha
-Doctor doesn't know why he's Doctor in middle
-see Martha as being powerful with Tardis, as maid is depowered
-blown away, vid of the con, got the framing, WWI, got 1913 strongly, series of eyes creeped out
-human attempt to _ eternity, Martha's pov after intro, small child opening watch...
-haven't seen text used like it's used here, becomes part of what you see, to move eye to certain point
-don't see pov of doctor but others perception, see it as something bigger than can imagine
-most or all quotes used by john smith's dreams of being doctor
-found text distracting, not as evocative, didn't need words
-really enjoyed what she did with text, sky burning, will come back text, all images of war, will come back, where are you now when we need you?
-curious about decision to use text vs. audio
-text layout not quite perfect, too close to frame
(HWG's beach vid shown)
-text in Marble House doesn't work as well, drop shadow font helps in other vid, MH layered on which doesn't work as well, text keyed in just a bit, design different
-both text represent beginning and ending, 1st daughter locks? out, 9th is beginning to bring Rose back...
-was text needed? intro?
-appreciated text, 1st Doctor quote is to show all Doctor Who canon
-important to establish who Doctor was, galaxy and universe showed the extent of power
-text made it feel biblical, frames different from looking at it
-use of external footage: show focused on history so archive use was interesting...timing and pacing so it replicates archive
-did actually shoot WWI footage in episode, choice to use archival made it more real life
-transition from b/w to color was huge
-converted b/w footage was from Doctor Who footage
-liked choice of images, tank of Britannica, nostalgia of England before Great war while being horrendous...nuclear family John Smith has vs. nuclear of buffy eye family, bad images of gender and class
-meta discussion of why this time/place: all kids at boys school will die in WWI
Give It Up (and Club Vivid)
-What makes a good vid for Club Vivid?
-not stressful, focus on having fun, not worrying about vid being ripped to pieces
-difference between theater/analytical and fun
-usually Club Vivid doesn't get vid review
-song choice important, less known song means less likely to dance, very kinetic
-layering works: unable to put full attention on things, things that people can hook onto
-1) theme 2) structure and content 3) what happens after Club Vivid but also as rewatchability, will want to return to it
(Give It Up)
-know these guys, love these guys
-they're dancing! only two things than rock out
-all authority figures represented, fight against man
-nostalgia, familiarity, simple, effective way with celebrating dancing in choruses
-difference in tone in source, Ferris Bueller's Day Off versus Footloose
-things that audience can go with and build
-motion from different sources, dancing to thematic reasons
-Footloose most trouble with mix...
-effective, not just authority but yourself and what you hold yourself back from
-omg the vidder killed John Hughes...aww, gave a resonance
-resonance comes from importance of movies and nostalgia
-lets bring all my favorite parts together...bring a theme helps succeed after CVV
-multi can be hard when multi don't work together but this case needs to flow
-would have sworn it was the same show, same energy
-excellent editing techniques, felt strong connection to theme
-journey from start to end: rebel to leader
-first clip with air guitar, vs. kids in school: normally in vid, dance/performance metaphor is to overcome things but in this they dance right from the start, private performance to public performance...they have this that they keep to myself...unity theme
-ensemble vid: acts of individual resistance to grow resistance, 1st chorus alone,2nd chorus has pairs and then spreads out
-personal struggles, vertical movement, im not alone, tunnel and jumping out
-Paul McCartney, Good, Give It Up; like jarrow's experience at VVC, 1st is about connecting, 2nd is about finding something and achieving things in self and third connects both->fannish celebration in general, these characters = us in Club Vivid
-vidding is personal and then it's an explosion of people coming together
-change the world so it's public dance because of individual acts
-air guitar as intro to audience, we can play along, we can dance along
-generations: youth, nostalgia, focused on music as more recent, teenage angst is always relevant, dealing with authority and peers, nails(?): it's all about community, toward end once it's built, there is stroller dancing baby: next generation -that baby is in their 20s now
-after Mr. Rogers, only guy that got us, gets John Hughes movies, rough time to be a kid as kids=horror, okay to be who we are

Red Cliff
­-really gorgeous
-guy in white is incredibly hot
-movie based on novel of romance of three kinds, classic of Chinese culture (like Arthurian legend), very old novel, formation of one Chinese state, two different flags united together in one
-fascinated by titles at end, titles in chinese, not able to comprehend, interesting choice
-this experience of foreign language speaks -> town hall accessibility to share them more wildly, want to know more
-showcase horror of war but this is joyously disconcerting but...
-fucking love it
-valiant attempt to use all movies, tv god they're all going in
-1st, 2nd Term. movies obsession...stop now start
-overwhelming, a lot of vid for confusion, not made for me but great effort
-time travel is mutable but sarah/john is constant, seeing core stayed strong
-cyclical because of john
-lots of sources, with casting change try to obscure but this able to read as one character
-Patti Smith = epic so choice of music is perfect
-slammed into locker by bully = older john to little John, longest, never end
-like watching five Hamlets with different casting, alternative of same world
-liked ending but conceived at end of vid, this is what began this, liked conclusion
Right In Two
-wow is this vidder angry, fascinated
-put off at first (SPN), more outside footage was used, I'm angry too, shows why I'm angry
-angry at vid, God in heaven is not my god, not in my world, don't like narrowing down world to one religion to show
-saw it as absorbed in it, huh...religious kink of tortured, understand, dominated by Christianity
-connected to MB, most powerful in universe looking at it as this is fucked up
-from Castiel, moved into external, first though Sam'n'Dean go to killing fields, then sex, distressed, wasn't upset with vidder but uncomfortable
-every image was gang violence
-shot I liked: light with angel reminded of sun coming up
-all about canon of SPN, angels hate humanity, why should we care about these people as dirt
-hypocrisy, god wasn't watching anybody, Castiel doesn't lose fault but stomped on him, no higher viewer
-fuck quote, that's not true
When You Wish
-never saw it as nightmares come true
-that was fucked up
-maybe transform into happy place, loved slow, dark song
-some people do get happy endings, took each character's wish: here's how you get it, price you pay
-women who suffer, women's whose dreams killed
-darker in terms of discussion of fandom, BSG supplants natives with Hera, end up on grim note
Internet Porn
-great palette cleaner
Convenient Parking
-I want to see this show
-wished for more Criminal Minds
-tainted donuts amv with Cowboy hunting Vash, live action version
-very well blended, high fannish osmosis recognized
-hard to know who to root for
Choose Life
-lots of possible ways that Dean's life could go
-completely turning around how on show, felt satisfied
-clips were from AU episodes but not sure
-dark vid with episode traps and allusions...diversity sucks
-feels response to discussion as two fandoms collide, on Uhura, celebrating of her kicking ass...

And that's what I've been working on for the last four days.

vidding, vividcon, vid meta

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