“Hey Commander. How are things?”
“My healing is progressing at an acceptable pace. Dr. McCoy and M’Benga are confident that I will make a complete recovery.”
“Jim’ll be ecstatic to hear that.”
“Indeed, Lt. Sulu.”
“You don’t have to tack on the ‘lieutenant’ part every time. Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask. Can I just call you Spock? And could you just call me Sulu? Everyone calls me that, and I kind of prefer it.”
Sulu’s voice was even and unassuming.
“I have no objections to your proposal, Sulu.”
There was a shuffling sound.
“You must get really bored, just sitting around.”
“Actually, much of my time has been occupied. I have received several visitors, like yourself.”
“Cool. Yeah that’s great,” he paused. “I was just wondering, do you know how to real Braille?”
“I am not familiar with it.”
“It’s a system of raised letters, so that the blind can read and write. My sister works at a school for the blind, that’s how I know about it.”
“I was not aware that you had a sibling.”
“Yeah, two older sisters. Me and my dad were the only sane people in a house full of crazy women,” he said, amusement tinging his voice.
“Is your sister also visually disabled?”
“The oldest one, Sayomi. She was actually born blind, but the doctors were able to somehow salvage her optic nerves and get her some sight. For all intents and purposes, she’s still legally blind though. Sayomi prefers to have her sensor net or cane with her all the time.
“I brought a book. Thought you might like to listen to me read it-I’d read for her back when we were kids.”
“What is the title?”
“Um, well, I don’t have that many books. I brought a classic though. Cervantes. He’s brilliant.”
“I have not heard of it.”
“Oh, you’ve gotta read it then. I’ll start you off.
“Desocupado lector: sin juramento me podrás creer que quisiera que este libro, como hijo del entendimiento, fuera el más hermoso, el más gallardo y más discreto que pudiera imaginarse. Pero no he podido yo contravenir al orden de naturaleza; que en ella cada cosa engendra su semejante. Y así, ¿qué podrá engendrar el estéril y mal cultivado ingenio mío, sino la historia de un hijo seco, avellanado, antojadizo y lleno de pensamientos varios y nunca imaginados de otro alguno, bien como quien se engendró en una cárcel, donde toda incomodidad tiene su asiento y donde todo triste ruido hace su habitación? El sosiego, el lugar apacible, la amenidad de los campos, la serenidad de los cielos, el murmurar de las fuentes, la quietud del espíritu son grande parte para que las musas más estériles se muestren fecundas y ofrezcan partos al mundo que le colmen de maravilla y de contento. Acontece tener un padre un hijo feo y sin gracia alguna, y el amor que le tiene le pone una venda en los ojos para que no vea sus faltas, antes las juzga por discreciones y lindezas y las cuenta a sus amigos por agudezas y donaires.”
I sat back and listened to the rhythmic sound of Sulu’s Spanish, telling the convoluted tale of Don Quijote.
“En efeto, rematado ya su juicio, vino a dar en el más estraño pensamiento que jamás dio loco en el mundo; y fue que le pareció convenible y necesario, así para el aumento de su honra como para el servicio de su república, hacerse caballero andante, y irse por todo el mundo con sus armas y caballo a buscar las aventuras y a ejercitarse en todo aquello que él había leído que los caballeros andantes se ejercitaban, deshaciendo todo género de agravio, y poniéndose en ocasiones y peligros donde, acabándolos, cobrase eterno nombre y fama.”
“Hikaru, you are not jabbering that Spanish book at Mr. Spock, da?”
“Just because you don’t like Don Quijote, doesn’t mean that Spock doesn’t.”
“I am here as relief. Kstati, I am warning you, the keptan is in a mood. He is not happy because Ensign Shkqeperi is making some mistake and causing inconwenience on the bridge.”
“Got it. Thanks. Same time tomorrow, Spock?”
I nodded. “Your presence and your book are most welcome, Sulu.”
“Great. I’ll see ya, Pasha.”
“Da, uvidyemsya. Hikaru, I am his friend, but I am not understanding him,” Pavel said as though this were an inevitable fact.
“Kak wui sebya chustvuyetye, Mr. Spock? How is your condition today?”
“Fine, Mr. Chekov.”
“Otlychno. Wery good news. And I am hafing exciting things to tell you, Mr. Spock.”
“You have completed the calculation?”
“Tochna. The calculations are all checked, and I am receiwing mail from the Interstellar Journal of Spatial Physics. They are accepting our article! They have forwarded copy to Nature and we are being accepted again! My friends in Russia will be wery jealous. Maybe a little happy, but more jealous. And poor. Nado zaplatyit menya stolko kreditov. We are hafing bet to see who is published in interstellar peer rewiewed journal first.
“But I am hafing question” he said without pause. “I was thinking of the problem before I am sleeping, and it comes to me in a dream. What if we are taking the boundary of the surface created? What do you think? Will we be getting interesting results?”
“What the was genus of the knot obtained?”
“That is being the problem. I am not knowing. I am using program and getting answer as genus is six, but it does not seem right. Six is wery high number. I was thinking by Seifert algorithm to find smaller genus, but it is not working.”
“I will have to consider the problem when I have regained my sight. However, your proposition is intriguing. We might obtain interesting results, but I am not of the immediate implications of taking the boundary of our surface.”
“It was seeming interesting. I am not knowing if it means anything.”
“I will think on it, Pavel.”
“Zdorovo. Now, Sulu is reading you some silly story?”
“I find it enjoyable.”
“I am bringing a book too. You will like it wery much, it is Russian. It is classic. I am reading a few theorems before I go to bed every night, like bedtime story. Would you like to be hearing it, Mr. Spock?”
“I have no objections.”
"Nu, togda davai. The book is called Planimetry, in Federation Standard. I begin with chepter odin, da?”
“However you should like to proceed, Pavel. I am at your disposal.”
It seems to be favorite pastime of Terrans to read books to those they visit in the hospital.
“Геометрические фигуры. Часть пространства, ограниченная со всех сторон, называется геометрическим телом. Геометрическое тело отделяется от окружающего пространства поверхностью. Часть поверхности отделяется от смежной части линией. Часть линии отделяется от смежной части точкой. Геометрическое тело, поверхность, линия, и точка не существуют раздельно. Однако при помощи отвлечения мы можем рассматривать поверхность независимо от геометрического тела, линию-назависимо то поверхности и точку-независимо от линии. При этом поверхность мы должны представить себе не имеющей толщины, линию-не имеющей ни толщины, ни ширины и точку-не имеющей ни длины, не ширины, ни толщины.”
“What is that boy blatherin’ on about, Mr. Spock?”
“He is reading his grade school geometry book, Mr. Scott. I am not very familiar with the Russian language, but it is an intriguing experience.”
“I am needing to balance out the forces of Sulu. He is reading Spanish novels about knights to the Commander. I am not wanting his brains to be melting. Theorems are much better stories than any skazka.”
“The lad’s a bit mixed up in the head, isn’t he, Mr. Spock?”
“I have no comment.”
“Well, I’m here ta join yeh both. I’ve brought a nice sandwich here-vegan, so don’t yeh worry Mr. Spock. I suppose it’s not technically a sandwich, is it? More like a wrap. I thought it’s be a sight easier than managing two slices of bread and everythin’ in between. It’s got some curried cauliflower in there, rice-I had one myself the other day.
“Here, let me unwrap that for yeh. That’s it, very convenient, isn’t it? Tasty too. I’ve got a reuben here, can’t go wrong with nice stack of beef and cheese. That hits the spot right there,” Mr. Scott said, his mouth full. “Well pull up a chair and set down or go run and find yourself a sandwich or whatever it is you Russians eat. We’ll be right here.”
“Nyet, nyet, I will go back to computer lab and work on problem. And I am hafing conference with Science Department. I am not know what I will be saying, but the keptan will be there.”
“It is a routine conference to present results from projects. You will not be required to make any executive decisions.”
“That is good. I am not knowing what to do with so many old men patting my back. You cannot say no to a grandfather who is father of modern xenoecophysiology. Sulu is knowing all about this.”
“Dr. Fominu’s reputation certainly precedes him. You will find, however, that he is quite, as Terrans say, ‘down to earth.’ It is the reason why he still participates avidly in field missions and gathers data, rather than accepting an emeritus position at one of the many prestigious universities that have made him such an offer.”
“All right, lads, enough talk about science. I love my job too, but yeh don’t hear me goin’ on about the engines. Though if you wanted ta know-“
“You point is quite clear, Mr. Scott.”
He laughed, a full and rich sound.
“Poka, rebyata. I am seeing you later.”
“See ya in the transporter room, Chekov. So Mr. Spock, how’ya find yourself today? Feelin’ any better? Yeh know, I heard the funniest joke the other day. I just about cried. One of the lads in my department told it ta me. Wouldya like ta hear it?”
Why not. Terrans continue to surprise me every day.
“That’s a good man! I knew you always had a keen appreciation for humor, Mr. Spock. Now, it goes like this. Yeh might’ve heard it before. Anyway.
“Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were goin’ campin’. I don’t know where, let’s say they were takin’ a nice little trip in the country somewhere. It’s not important.
“They pitch their tent under the stars and go to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night, Holmes wakes Watson. ‘Watson, look up at the sky and tell me, what do you see?’” Mr. Scott imitated a British accent. He was not quite successful.
“Watson replies, ‘Why, I see millions and millions of stars, Holmes old fellow.’
“Sherlock Holmes answers, ‘And what do you deduce from that?’
“Watson thinks for a bit. He’s determined to give Holmes an answer that’s going to hit it right on the head. For once in his life, he won’t hear his friend say somethin’ along the lines of ‘elementary, my dear Watson,’ the phrase is getting a bit stale. He thinks and thinks and he can feel his brain spinnin’ its gears and the grey cells chuggin’ away. Eureka! He has an epiphany. This is surely the answer Holmes is looking for.
“’It’s quite simple, Holmes. If there are millions of stars, and if even a few of those have planets, then it’s quite likely that there are some planet that resemble earth, simply due to the laws of probability. And if there are a few earth like extraterrestrial bodies, then we might also speculate the existence of life on those planets.’ Haha! he thinks, triumphant. I’ve got him now. He give himself a little pat on the back. Well done, Watson old boy, well done.
“But Holmes says, ’I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re going on about, my dear Watson. The fact that we are able to see the stars simply means that someone has stolen our tent.’”
Leonard burst out laughing at the other end of the Sickbay, joined by the voices of Nurse Chapel and M’Benga.
I could not see, but I could feel the glow of their happiness. And for the first time, intentionally allowed myself to mentally join in their laughter, rather than stand apart.