Sunday Morning Book Review: Sex at Dawn

Sep 19, 2010 14:46

I have an impossibly large amount of work to do today, so I’m going to waste time and write a review of this book I shouldn’t have spent time reading, instead of doing the things I need to do ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

audesapere September 19 2010, 19:46:17 UTC
oooh, interesting stuff- i will have to check that out!


lulu_girl September 20 2010, 14:07:54 UTC
This sounds interesting but at the same time, reading this sort of stuff frequently drives me up a wall. Most of the time I end up wondering: do these people even KNOW any women, outside of their small realm? ya know what I mean?


anon52 September 20 2010, 16:05:24 UTC
The people the authors reference (usually in the process of saying: This is wrong, do you see how wrong this is?) appear not to have known any women, on any level, ever. Or to have lived in a period where 'proper' women were sexless creatures reproducing only for the sake of England.

It's a bizarre mindset.


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