Well, that was...a thing.

Aug 30, 2010 02:38

 So I'm finally done watching all of Series Five. I have a few thoughts to get out...and since I've been avoiding spoilers so hard, I don't know how many people were on the same page with me on these, so I'd love to get feedback.

1. Either Matt Smith grew into the role, or he got better material in the last few episodes, or he's grown on me a little. Maybe a bit of all three. Granted, I still think that Eccleston or Tennant could out-act him on any day that ends in y, and that I don't have nearly the idea of who Eleven is that I did for Ten or Nine, but I'm actually interested in this character again. Just a bit, but that's something.

2. The word "spoilers" will make me twitch reflexively for some time to come. Even River had a few good moments in the last episode, but she's still irritating as shit. (Oddly, though, she and the Doctor actually had some chemistry there for a moment. Huh. That's a bit surprising.)

3. I'm still not sure that I particularly like Amy. Granted, her treatment of Vincent won her points with me, but not enough.

4. By the end, Rory, however, is made of win. (My extreme unevenness in reactions towards the two companions is intriguing, and leads me to wonder how much of it is based on my reaction to the way gender has been working in the show overall.)

5. Yes, Moffat. You're clever. Verrrrry clever. You can create the twistiest plots that ever twisted. Good for you.

That said, plot twists mean sweet FA if your plots are being carried out by paper dolls. I felt like I had more of a sense of who Vincent and Craig were than I ever did of any of the main characters. Not a good sign. I realize that the Moff is never going to have RTD's interest in or ability with character...but as a viewer, I need more than a sparkly array of ideas. I hope that Series Six, even if it won't be the character-driven emotional rollercoaster of the RTD years, shows a bit more focus on character and heart than this series did. Otherwise, I fear that I'll have a hard time staying with this show. 

possible tl;dr, series five, whovian musings

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