Title: Observations
Author: jAnon
Pairings: Kirk/Spock
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I have not profited monetarily from this venture, nor do I claim original ownership of the characters and setting.
Summary: First Officer Spock comments on life aboard the Enterprise and his service under Captain James T. Kirk.
A pdf of Observations, all 262 chapters in 1,102
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Comments 14
Umm, if you'd like to read it, be my guest. I'll be very impressed. And flattered. I can't imagine how long it would take to read.
I know for a fact that Ch 255 takes 15 minutes to read, with the appropriate breaks, pacing. If we take that as a rule of thumb (I have no idea if it's a good estimate since the length of the chapters varies so much, but just for argument's sake), that's 3930 minutes for the fic, or 65.5 hours, or 2.73 days. To listen. Three days of nonstop listeningThe mind boggles ( ... )
Also and this is totally random but for some reason this story makes me want a rebootTrek Skippy List.
Feel free to message me anytime with the files, with questions, whatever you'd like.
Could you tell me what a skippy list is?
If you're up for another of my pet typotribbles, this one is in Italian: Diozionario = theological dictionary (dizionario = dictionary, Dio = God). Which is hilarious, as I actually own a theological dictionary.
So, to sum up:
Future-- the list of my works
Present-- poetry, original stuff. And the occasional update
Past-- fanfiction
Does this say anything about me?
el diozionario! hilarious! For some reason, I'm envisioning God as a large book with glasses now.
Just. A person. Not. a God. (which is something I would thank God for, if I believed in one).
You don't lecture, even to yourself: you talk to yourself, discuss things with yourself (and your characters), but don't lecture, precisely because you don't feel you own a total knowledge of how things are and/or should be.
I still think that people change all the time, but they change *into* themselves, expanding, not *from* themselves, separating.
Sure, you're not going to write anything like "Observations" again. But I'm sure you're not discarding "Observations", just because writing it (and the aftermath of writing it) has changed you so much.
I could not imagine when I began reading that I would gain a friend like you.
Unfortunately I don't have a flatrate and only very restricted time online, so having the chance to dl it and reread whenever I choose is a much appreciated gift!
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