Law & Order: Super Villains Unit (Patrick/Pete) A Date (girl!Brendon/Spencer) Skills, Both Culinary and Not (Spencer/Brendon) Jon/girl!Ryan Ménage a cinq (Green Day OT3, MCR OT5) Patrick gets hit by a car, but don't worry he's okay (Patrick/Pete) Pete/Patrick, wheelchair In the Dark (Mike/Kevin, rival vampire clans) pornstar!Patrick Panic GSFBob/Mikey, wing!fic It's The Last Time In Life That I'll Ever Try (Spencer/Brendon) Happy 100th post,
anon_lovefest members! Coincidentally, it's also Valentine's Day. Cheers to those of you who celebrate it. Have any prompts you promised to finish, but haven't? Write them! Let's have a number of themes this week.
Valentine's Day
Share the love, everyone! :D