[making her happy makes him--and the Tool--very happy]
[but that upward tug is as clear of a cue as he could ask for]
[gives the Market one farewell lick and surges upward to capture her mouth with his, pressing her back down onto the couch and reacquainting the Tool with its beloved Market]
[it's getting rather hot in here]
[though caught off guard the Market seems rather comfortable in his capable hand]
I suppose I don't.
[hand coming up to unbutton her top]
[rubs at the Market through her underthings]
[it is making its ...comfort... known]
[gift for you dearest]
[is wearing the silk claret lingerie today]
[oh yes]
[stifles the yearning it would not be...disciplined]
[the Market is eagerly awaiting trading]
[takes a greedy nibble at both breasts before continuing down]
[dip of tongue into navel]
[People's Tool struggling toward a triumphant, Shawshank Redemption-like return]
[nips at hipbone, and begins to tug her skirt down]
[as eager as the Market may be, a fresh, fine vintage like this Bordeaux claret must be tasted]
[to fully appreciate the notes, the subtlety of flavour, you understand]
[slithers down between her legs and hooks a finger into her panties, nudging them down as well]
[tremble of the abdomen]
[one hand brushes over a building issue]
[bites her lip]
[this Market seeks relief]
[moves to assist lowering of skirt]
[how very thoughtful]
[hips slightly abduct]
[fingers run through his hair]
[brush of the curl]
[leans in to give the Market a taste]
[rings the Closing Bell]
[goes to town]
[those hair pets are becoming tugs and pulls]
[the Market is most appreciative with the attention to the Closing Bell]
[Bull Market most definitely]
[curl is getting tugged as well]
[he murmurs Yes, Dear... but it comes out more like]
Ynnnph Dhhhh.
[insolent curl of the tongue inquiring in not so many words if she would be amenable to some high-volume trading]
[the hair tugs make him grip her thighs more forcefully, and keep the People's Tool wide awake]
[yes the Market is open for trading]
[is enjoying the tongue immensely]
[shaky hands may be partly pulling upward on hair]
[but this is so very niceeeeee]
[but that upward tug is as clear of a cue as he could ask for]
[gives the Market one farewell lick and surges upward to capture her mouth with his, pressing her back down onto the couch and reacquainting the Tool with its beloved Market]
[muffled cry when he kisses her]
[is more than willing to go with him]
[hands come up and around]
[fingernails biting into his skin]
[the Tool has been missed, dearly]
[should be evident just how much]
[only breaks the kisses for short, breathy pants before diving back in again]
[one hand braces agains the couch]
[the other rings the Bell in time with the rhythm of trade]
[delicious, delicious trade]
[the Tool angles up against her ever so slightly]
[ragged breaths]
[the syncing of motion is bringing her close to the edge]
[heel digging into his skin, never took her shoes off]
[but who has time to worry about that]
[much more urgent and delicious trade to concentrate on]
[undisciplined exclamation muffled by kisses]
[the Bull Market is rising higher each second]
[if only the marks didn't fade so darn fast]
[alternates between deep movements with that little hip-twist she likes, and short, sharp, vigorous trade]
[fingertips on Closing Bell accelerate and break rhythm]
[he feels the Market go into Sell! Sell! Sell! mode all around him]
[is nearing certain extremes himself]
[breath nearly echoing so loud]
[rough kiss breaks off]
[Market is ready to Sell]
[rough sharp desperate kiss to swallow her subsequent cries]
[nail and heels draw blood]
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