Sep 21, 2010 22:43
Hello :)
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[lips pressed firmly together, he is dressing in a slightly nicer version of his at-home clothing; a black long-sleeved tee and his better pair of jeans]
[checks his watch; Germany is due in 5 minutes]
[yells down the hall in a slightly peevish tone]
Dear, are you and Matthew ready and in order?
Coming darling!
[reaches him and smiles]
Calm down, Matthew.
[hand up, smooths over a brow]
All will be well.
[voice slightly tight, nervous]
[glaring around nonspecifically at everything]
[tired, cranky, disapproving]
[privately hopes the kid will kick Germany's shins in]
[one last furtive tug of the sleeves, then he answers the door]
Germany. Won't you come in?
[this false smile, it is hurting his face]
Sweetie, we'll have delicious red velvet cake later, with milk, okay?
[small kiss]
[faces Germany with a smile]
Hello, Mr. Germany! How are you doing? This is little Matthew.
So you are little Matthew. Your parents certainly told you that I would be visiting.
[offers him his hand; shrugs and turns to his parents when he refuses to shake it]
I take it that you will have no objections if I begin the inspection immediately? I'd like to start with the cellar, if you have one.
[so refrains from mentioning your stupid hair and face for now]
[merely hugs his mom tighter and glares]
Matthew, we greet our guests.
[turns back to Germany]
You... you say you want to see the basement first? Why not a tour of the main floor to start?
[slight tightening around the corners of his eyes]
[perhaps it's best to warm Germany up before showing him the Basement (also hopes son doesn't blurt out anything unsavory about Basement practices)]
[rubs over son's hair]
He's a little shy.
Mr. Germany means well, Matthew. Ah...
[smile widens]
Well, how about starting on this floor first? We're all here, after all.
No. I want to see the basement first, if for no other reason than that you don't want me to. You are aware that this makes you suspicious, right?
[looks at Germany, expression hardening a little]
[think of the family; do not act out. think of the family; do not act out]
As you say.
Right this way, then.
[flicks on the lights to the stairwell and opens the basement door to lead Germany downstais]
[oh dear]
Ah...he means only well Matthew.
It was merely an observation of the current location, Mr. Germany. Our house is open to you.
[time to see the innocuous basement]
[down the stairs]
[see that washer and dryer]
I am not being mean. It is important that I inspect your house to make sure it's a safe place for you to live in, and if your parents seem to be worried about the basement that makes me worry too.
[follows the couple down the stairs and starts inspecting everything thoroughly, looking out for incriminating documents or items as well as secret doors]
[is unfazed by the feeling of their gazes on his back]
Why do you get to decide?
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