I was diappointed, but not surprised, when I read that the turnout was so low. As I said before, I admire your actions greatly. For myself, I didn't even know that there were gatherings locally until I read about one in the paper the next a.m. and saw another on the evening news. They had not been much publicized and I had not investigated. Evil is often fueled by ennui. Both sides are getting, if not comfortable, at least used to the script.
Re: Just wondering--anony_massMay 25 2007, 04:00:35 UTC
Sorry, I've been very lazy. Dealing with a lot of frustrating bullshit at work, and still trying to juggle things long distance with my parents and their declining health. But mostly just laziness. I always have best intentions for keeping in touch with everyone, updating LJ more often, etc but good old laziness seems to win out in the end.
Re: Just wondering--regality3May 25 2007, 13:36:04 UTC
Hey, lassitude is better than sickitude. ;-) Yes, it must be very difficult having to deal with work problems on top of your parents' health issues. Very difficult indeed.
Comments 8
we need a new strategy the wehrmacht can't ignore. they're comfortable with this script.
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