I think this was a great episode... along with Time of Angels this is probably my favorite story yet this season. It was very creepy, and luckily River Song didn't end up stealing the spotlight... actually, I thought she might have been a bit underused in this second half. Apparently she's killed someone... possibly the Doctor? So I'm a bit curious, but sort of afraid we'll never really get an answer about that. I dunno.
Also, more awesome Doctor/Amy moments in the woods... it seemed like a really imporant moment when he was asking her to remember when she was seven, he sounded really emotional at that point. I've heard it suggested that in that scene the Doctor is from the future, since he's wearing his jacket and has a much different attitude than when he first walked off. I fully support this theory and think it would be awesome to have some multi-episode timey-wimey connections.
Amy walking past the Angels with her eyes closed creeped me out a bit, because, man, that is one situation I would NOT want to be in. Although it seemed a bit too easy that River was able to rescue her with the teleport, but whatever.
And now the Doctor is apparently glad that time can be rewritten (which, um, isn't this the opposite lesson to Waters of Mars?) Why is he so happy about this? I have a few ideas:
a. If he suspects River did kill him, he may be able to prevent his own death.
b. He may be able to prevent River's death in the Library.
c. He may be able to prevent himself from getting into a relationship with River XD (Or at least, you know, CHOOSE that he wants to be with her rather than it being a destiny thing).
d. He can get Rose back ;)
And then we have the last five minutes, or as Matt and Karen said in the Confidential, "SMOOCHIE SMOOCHIE TIME!" LOL LOL I love them. I'm not sure what to think about the scene though. It was amazingly funny, and yet, I think it might have lowered my opinion of Amy a bit. I'm not sure, I'll have to see where this goes. Next weeks episode promises to be interesting though, with the Doctor acting as a relationship counselor, LOL. See you later!