I'm not sure. I wasn't even planning on posting regularly there, it was meant as more of a backup for when LJ goes to shit. I might consider x-posted if enough people join the DW comm, though.
i know if you post it to DW, you can set it up to automatically xpost to LJ, but I'm not sure if the opposite is true. it might be a good idea to xpost it anyway though, so that if LJ is down for long periods like it has been, people can go back through posts if they're looking through something. double archiving doesn't hurt. you can even transfer all posts/comments to dw as an archive.
Actually, you can only do that with personal journals, not communities. :/ Dreamwidth doesn't allow the import of posts/comments/etc. for communities because the DW version may have a different mod, and they don't want people importing other people's comm info if that person doesn't want it posted anywhere else, or something. So I'd have to go back and repost every single entry to the DW comm, and I just don't have the time or patience to do so. Idk if xposting works for comms, so I'll look into that.
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