It's been a busy month or two away from this space.
I suppose that's a good thing. That's the thing about summer- either it is too warm to not want to do anything, but now my body is obtaining a ton of vitamin D so I am driven to go out and actually DO SOMETHING.
The biggest change I've done is enrolled with OTF, Orange Theory Fitness. It's a class style gym, still primarily women but not exclusive. It's a trainer-level class; the coach provides your circuit and guides you through the session on blocks and when to transition. We utilize the full range: treadmills, a weight room, and rowing machines. I am unable to keep my feet on the rowers at this time, so I use their elliptical (they call it a strider).
It's expensive, with the base cost per class $20. But it's an investment in my overall health so I'm not really complaining. It's three tiers of memberships: basic (x4) for $80, standard (x8) for $120, and unlimited (!!!) for $180. Again, per month. But hot damn, I'd rather pay a gym membership than health insurance funds!!
My main goal is to be healthy enough to no longer need my medications and to no longer be on the roster for endocrinology/diabetes. I started my first month after the trial class as once a week- I had to make sure I could even commit to that much and you know, not die with such intense workouts. Woo! By the end of the second class, I got bit HELLA bad to be coming in more often, but I waited it out. I had to be absolutely sure I would be committed to it. And you know what? I definitely am. I sweat WAY more than I used to. My heart rate is becoming more level, so I have to push myself little by little in every class. I'm sore after every session, in a good way. I love the coaches for all they do, the people I meet also on their own health journey, and I love the encouragement and support we share with each other there.
Yesterday's results:
It's called OTF because the goal is to be in that sweet spot for your metabolic heart zone 84-92%. As you begin, you're in the orange a lot- my highest was 47!- but I'm finding myself in the 20s and starting to see that struggle to maintain it. A solid 12-20 in the orange is what they say is optimal, so I'm definitely there but DAMN, again, hard work!
It's going to take a lot of sweat and frustration to reach my goal, but if someone on the member page can share with all of us that they got off their meds and no longer have an assigned endocrinologist then hot damn I am on the right boat for the right path to have a far more filling life. Also it has helped WONDERS with my depression. My only concern right now are my ankles- they've been a bother so I'm going to try using cream like Tiger Balm and White Flower to help with the pain.
The other big change I've been working on has been overall better eating. I took two food workshops at work on their dime through a third party group called Sound Food Uprising. Their goal is to bring food awareness to the public in better hopes for health and consumer buying power in the grocery store.
The key takeaway was to always find ways to eat real food. A home cooked meal where you know every ingredient and spice used in the stew, to bring color and life through a variety of fruits and veggies, to help bring costs and stress down with simple meals.
This was my second homemade batch of roasted veggies- solid everyday veggies but so much more.
Ugh, so good! Need to make it again! This sheet pan of veggies was good for dinner that night and two lunches.
I have lots of good cookbooks so I definitely see myself more in the kitchen making foods I enjoy eating and are far healthier in the long run.
I'm looking to find a dietician for food behavioral therapy. I still stress eat and emotionally eat. That's a big reason why I can't seem to lose weight as much when I'm doing workouts. Now I'm motivated to tie them all together- better eating, acknowledging my emotions and going through them, and working out to move my body more since my current job doesn't require any movement at all. I'm beginning to feel the changes- let me tell you more about OTF and why I love it so much!- and I hope that very soon I will physically see my body respond positively in kind to this chapter in my life.