My sheep have packed up and left.

Oct 21, 2005 05:17

Insomnia sucks. :\

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Comments 5

sloshedbrit October 21 2005, 10:21:26 UTC
(as commented at 5:21 am)


lyllian October 21 2005, 15:38:46 UTC
You should have called me I didn't get home from work Till 4 am hah


another_day October 24 2005, 23:01:44 UTC
Guess we're all night creatures, eh?

Sucks about the brakes - why do cars/appaliances etc, feel the need to shit themselves at the worst times? *BIG HUGS* Try to hang in there, Sweetie. And if you need anything - please don't hesitate to contact us, okay? I mean it!


nese October 24 2005, 20:20:57 UTC

Here Sheepy Sheepy!

IM mee!


another_day October 24 2005, 23:03:06 UTC
I found a bottle of mint jelly on Mark's night stand. What a jerk! He was plotting to eat my sheep! >:(


Back to studying for you, my dear! Oh! And Alaula is now level 5. /flex!


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