Well I'm really excited at the reception my first fan-fic received over at mero_nia. I expect the people who hated it (which there must have been many of them) were nice enough to observe the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" rule. I appreciate that. Because in all honesty, In the Eye of the Storm, is the kind of story I would read only if I was absolutely desperate for fic to read. I mean, it's just ... got this silly, inexperienced, un-thought out vibe to it. I don't know. But yeah, it has its good parts and I'm glad some people liked it. It's a good feeling to know my story helped people have fun or laugh or whatever.
Now, I never intended to write this story in the first place. My whole decision to start writing fan-fic came about back in August after I finished watching Death Note. My plan was to write an A/U where Mello somehow gets a happy ending. If not happy, then at least an ending where he doesn't end up tragically dead at a young age. I realize that with the plot of Death Note, there really is no better way for Mello's storyline to resolve. But god dammit, I love that character, and I want to give him something better! Hence, an A/U or A/R or whatever you want to call it.
As I was sketching the plot of this story, this stupid idea kept bouncing around my head, of a drunken spin the bottle game and Mello and Near somehow managing to have a make-out session. This kind of silliness has no place in my epic A/U so I decided to just make it a one-shot and get it over with. A way to test the waters and see exactly where the quality of my writing stands and how it might be received.
And now that it's over, I can now move on to the EPIC A/U. Sigh. I don't want to post it as a WIP, but if I don't, it might not be completed for a long time. Hm. I don't know. I'm excited and nervous as hell to write it. I'll prolly write other short stories as well (God knows I need the practice). I've got a lot of ideas so we'll see what happens.