(no subject)

Nov 12, 2003 18:11

for sophronia

1. Is there such a thing as true love?, And if so do what does it mean to you.

True Love (tm), I don't think (it) even exists - to mangle The Princess Bride. I have seen dependency and co-dependency, lots of self denial and delusion and a whole bunch of 'in-love'. I have seen love that is true and aspire to _that_ ideal, but I have yet to see any evidence for True Love beyond a kind of escapist dream.

2. Whats it like being shy? How have you overcome it?

A kind of combination of low grade paranoia, a general feeling of awkwardness, a sense of dislocation and an absence of belonging or connection. Add to that a recognition that when people observe such in you, they find it uncomfortable, and you have a self-justifying and self-fulfilling situation.

To a certain extent I have not overcome it, I have just trued as best I can to cut the cycle. If I project confidence, then I will be treated as though I were and at least will not have the feedback that people find my company uncomfortable. That keeps the shyness to a mostly internal state which is far more manageable.

To get to _this_ point I simply harnessed the power of suicidal depression. *shrug* what did I have to lose.

3. You have a unique view of popular culture, What do you like in it? and what do other people seem to like - that you cant fathom?

I like subcultures and observing the changing way in which people relate, struggle for social dominance and invent rules for a game they are not even aware they are playing.

I cannot understand the amount of importance given to the trivial. How things that could be easily walked away from, if only people saw they had that choice, come to so dominate a person's life is beyond me.

4. What's different between you now and you 5 years ago, what advice would you give him?

I have less hope and more determination to make what I have work. I have a deeper understanding of the range of human imperfection, not least my own.

I would not give my self advice, I would offer him the chance to ask me questions. He better knows what he needs than I do now.

5. do you believe in the existence of the soul?

Of course. It is just that my definition is a little odd.

all right people, if anyone would like to be interviewed, please post a comment asking as much. i'll post your questions as a reply, take 'em and answer them on your journal with an invitation like this to make the meme go 'round
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