with thanks to
invader_kitty 1. Name your 5 worst character traits.
a) Stubbornness. I do not know when to quit and not prepared to admit the impossible.
b) Over cerebration. Another long-term project that has a long way to go, yet. I think too much. I have wandered the insides of my mind too far and have lost the way back a long time ago. By all accounts I see the world vastly differently to most and spend a lot of the time working hard to try and understand other people and make myself understood.
c) Arrogance. Few people are comfortable with people being better than they are. I am. I can and will only go so far to try and play that down.
d) Low self-esteem. No matter that I have been fighting this for years, have made steady progress throughout that time, I still have a generally low opinion of my own worth.
e) Depression. Enough said.
2. Name your 5 best character traits.
a) I don't give up. Nothing is impossible.
b) I see the world differently. I see realities that others do not and so find opportunities where people would swear there are none.
c) I know myself. Not completely, that is a road with no end, but a great deal and enough.
d) I know right from wrong and why.
e) I can and do hold mutually contradictory points of view. Paradox is nothing more than the discovery of the limitation of the symbolic system (language for example).
3. What is one thing you'd change in your life right now?
How others see me.
4. Love at first sight - fact or fiction?
Yes. People do and can fall 'in love' at first sight. It is what they think this is and means that is the fiction.
5. Is there any country/civilisation you feel drawn to?
Ancient Rome. A wonderful combination of bloody minded determination and decadence, often at the same time.
all right people, if anyone would like to be interviewed, please post a comment asking as much. i'll post your questions as a reply, take 'em and answer them on your journal with an invitation like this to make the meme go 'round