How's this for English : Does anyone have a spare power plug?
You obviously like the look of your own writing. I bet you read over it and your voice (or however you imagine it sounds) plays it over in your head, and you sit, and smile, and think about how great you are.
kinda had a feeling u didn't know who i was... i am a sneaky thing! :o) I'll let you know about that "Thing" as soon as my techie friends arises from his slumber!
Ok, my techie friend cannot help... However, he suggested "suggest however for the 5V that the person uses an old computer power supply, or visits" Don't know whether that helps or not.
Comments 6
How's this for English : Does anyone have a spare power plug?
You obviously like the look of your own writing. I bet you read over it and your voice (or however you imagine it sounds) plays it over in your head, and you sit, and smile, and think about how great you are.
Heheh. You suck and you know it.
your projections, however, are telling.
Just a case of sorting thru a shit heap...
And no i don't own one... far to techie for me, a friend does (well should)...
oh, and thanks
I'll let you know about that "Thing" as soon as my techie friends arises from his slumber!
However, he suggested "suggest however for the 5V that the person uses an old computer power supply, or visits"
Don't know whether that helps or not.
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