But people from all demographic groups across the country are facing a much more frightening real-life situation: the disappearance of millions of bees. This winter, in more than 20 states, beekeepers have noticed that their honeybees have mysteriously vanished, leaving behind no clues as to their whereabouts. There are no tell-tale dead bodies
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Comments 6
It's far from "fuzzy." I mean, maybe it is in the sequels to Ishmael, which I haven't read, but I found his descriptions in Beyond Civilization to be a pretty clear guide for actual solutions. One of his points is that fighting our fellow human beings, just like declaring war on drugs or homelessness, is a flawed approach because it still buys into our problematic societal myths. Just like dealing with a mental illness, we have to address the roots of the issues, not attack the symptoms. Besides, if we really want change, let's take a pointer from the mistakes of the Democratic party and accept the fact that simply stating that the other side is wrong isn't enough to get people on your side. We need to present a viable, preferable alternative to the destructive status quo if we want to gain support. Creation is the answer, not fighting.
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