Spell your name with band names.
Death By Stereo
New Found Glory
Comeback Kid
A Wilhelm Scream
+ Name: duncan
+ Birth date: 27th january
+ Nicknames: dunc, furious
+ Current Location: tamworth
+ Eye Color: green i think, ask ash
+ Hair Color: black with a reddish stripe down the middle
+ Righty or Lefty: righty
+ Zodiac Sign: aquarius
+ The shoes you wore today: i haven't worn shoes yet today
+ Your weakness: blackouts
+ Your fears: i don't really have fears, but i have stuff i don't like
+ Your perfect pizza: half cheese half hawiian half meatlovers (yeah, it's like a mega pizza)
+ Goal you'd like to achieve: having a band that get's to tour for a living
+ Your best physical feature: everyone likes to talk about my dick so that must be it
+ Your bedtime: 2 - 3am
+ Most missed memory: summer of 04/05
+ Pepsi or Coke: it's a tie
+ McDonald's or Burger King: double cheesburger motherfucker
+ Adidas or Nike: nike
+ Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nesquik
+ Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
+ Cappuccino or coffee: both are shit
+ Smoke: no
+ Curse: yes
+ Sing: yes
+ Take a shower everyday: yes
+ Have a crush(es): if you're with them i don't think it's a crush, so no
+ Do you think you've been in love: yes
+ Want to go to college: no
+ Like(d) high school: no
+ Want to get married: yes
+ Believe in yourself: yes
+gt motion sickness: sometimes
+ Think you're attractive: no
+ Think you're a health freak: no
+ Get along with your parents: yes
+ Play an instrument: yes
LAYER SEVEN: In the past month...
+ Drank alcohol: yes
+ Smoked: yes
+ Done a drug: no
+ Had Sex: yes
+ Made Out: yes
+ Gone to the mall?: yes
+ Eaten an entire box of Oreos: what the fuck is it with americans and eating oreos?
+ Eaten Sushi: no
+ Been on stage: yes
+ Been dumped: no
+ Gone skating: no
+ Made homemade cookies: no
+ Gone Skinny Dipping: no
+ Dyed your hair: yes
+ Stolen anything: no
+ Played a game that required removal of clothing: no
+ If so, was it mixed company: -
+ Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: sorta
+ Been caught "doing something": yes
+ Been called a tease: no
+ Been beaten up: no
+ Shoplifted: yeah sorta when i was 10 or so
+ Changed who you were to fit in: i've always been myself
LAYER TEN: In the opposite sex.. or attracting..
+ Best eye color?: green/blue
+ Best hair color?: black
+ Short or long hair: longish
+ Height: medium
+ Best weight: comfortable/slim
+ Best articles of clothing: boyleg underwear and band shirts
+ Number of people I could trust with my life: probably a few
+ Number of CDs that I own: alot
+ Number of piercings and where: 0
+ Number of tattoos and where: 0 (it sucks)
+ Number of cars your family owns: 5