Ok, since my friend suggested writing down the dreams I have (or was it me that said this? can't remember)here is my dreams from last night.
I was standing at the middle of an open venue. I could not tell if there were three floors, but the levels kept on rising. I looked up to see the crowd and then I felt that I grinned. I saw the audience and then the music started. I did not see myself, but rather I felt this dream in the first person. I saw everything through my eyes. Suddenly I started singing "Pink Spider" by hide.( If you have not heard it then go hear it. It is godly) I kept on thinking to myself, 'this is a great song' in my mind. I felt the energy of the crowd, I saw my hand as I moved around. I was wearing a tight black jacket from what ui could se4e. Then suddenly my dream took another perspective, I saw myself performing, but it was not me. The thing is that I was singing as a guy! A skinny guy. I could not see that well the features of the person, but yeah that was somehow me. I was confused. Then I woke up sining "Pink Spider" for the rest of the day.
Wow, I thought about the dream throughout the whole entire day. I dunno , but this might mean that my subconcious is saying somehting to me. A hidden desire that I have. A desire to be a guy. No I do not like the same sex, this is hard to explain. This relates to a story I once read in Ap Spanish Language where there was a girl that wanted to become a man because she wanted to protect her family. Soldiers were taking valuable possessions from her home and she could not do naything to proect her mother and her siblings. I can see this story in my own story of life. I am not being attacked. This is odd but, I want to be the opposite becuase I, in a way want to devote my life to music and not have hardships in the industry. Or this might mean that rock has infested my brain to no end. Guys have nice clothings as well. I like looking at it when I go shopping. PATRICK COX has awesome shoes for men! I like myself but there will always be a lingering desire of something far grater than I have. It feels like the feeling of getting something that you always wanted. Then after a week you want something better. The mind can never be satisfied. Now I am doubting my major in college. I am quite confused at the moment. I have no idea if this makes sense. I am sorry that I burdened you with this. I should be writing my fanfic. I might do that even if it is early in the morning. Why can;t I dream about Tora babies?! Oh, and people thank you for updating. I like to read your journals!