Title: Under Lover
Circle: Kao
Fandom: Kuroko no Basket
Pairing: KagaKuro
Rating: G.
Pages: 26 (6 are novel)
Notes: This is really sweet. And it's like, 100x better UST than mine. I may actually get around to translating the back story, it looks pretty easy to translate. Not today though...
As I said, it's a really sweet, really simple story. I haven't read the novel in the back, but I think it's probably just as simple, sweet, and UST as the rest of it.
That said, I love her Kuroko. He's soft but not girlish, he's got muscle on him. The only thing I have to say it's it's not particularly dynamic...it's the soft-hued pretty kind of art. Not that that's a bad thing at all...
Anyways, get it here at Mediafire in 2 parts:
Part 1 and
Part 2. Dunno why, but this time it was larger...