Title: Katte ni Shiyagare
Circle: TDK
Fandom: Kuroko no Basket
Pairing: KagaKuro
Rating: G...? PG...? They only kiss, geez.
Pages: 25
Notes: Really cute and sweet...this girl really knows how to use white space. And while hers isn't the fanciest or the prettiest...her Kagami and Kuroko shine.
I really love the second story. Just when you think there's an epiphany to be had...BAM nope. And then Kagami gets cockblocked because Kuroko's hungry lololol. Well, they're growing boys XDDD
Get it here on Mediafire in 2 parts:
Part 1 and
Part 2 Tell me if you've got any questions or have any trouble dling~
XDD I love the pictures of them when they were little...soooo adorable <3
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