Title: Can I Ask You For That One More Time, Kagami-kun? (Kagami-kun Mou Ichido Onegai Shite Ii Desuka?)
Circle: VENOM
Pairing: KagaKuro, Ao-->Kuro
Rating: PG-13
Pages: 18
Notes: She had...semi? pin-up Kuroko this time...?
Somehow this one had...a little more substance to it than the other ones, which were all PWP. VENOM draws a pretty nice Aomine...though he also looks kinda...uh, shiny somehow? Not so much rough-and-tumble as I thought he would be. And I never thought I'd say it, but I was glad when Riko interrupted them for dinner...
here on Mediafire for the large size. For the small size,
also here on Mediafire.