Title: together with you
Circle: Tako
Pairing: KagaKuro
Rating: PG-13...I honestly don't think I saw any dicks for once. Huh.
Pages: uhh...25?
Notes: Uh...just click the lj cut >.>;;;
Huh...so this one got lost in the shuffle and I didn't find it until now. So like, within the sea of AoKise, AoKaga, KagaKise and just plain gag, it's like "Whoaaa I had more KagaKuro???".
Honestly...I think it's only mediocre, both the story and the drawings. This girl doesn't really know how to draw backgrounds, does she... And then the story... >.>;;; If you know me, you know my headcanon!Kuroko is quite strong in himself. This kind of mushy "I need you I depend on you help meeee" Kuroko makes me wince a little.
But well, it's not a total loss. There are couple shots in there of Kuroko acting blushy and cute. And Kagami is gruffly tender as always~ My favorite part of him <333
Part 1 and
Part 2 on Mediafire.
Or you can get it in
one big file here from cramitin.
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