Kuroko no Basket Doujinshi ("Kiss*Me" by nana73san)

Oct 12, 2012 23:02

Title: Kiss*Me
Circle: nana83san
Pairing: KagaKuro, MuraHimu, KiyoHana + some AlexKaga, AlexHimu, KuroAlex (whut), and AlexMura's hand (hahaha I'm kidding....not really)
Rating: PG (for kissing, duh, lookit the title man)
Pages: 22
Notes: damn stuff just keeps popping out of the woodwork...so this one I bought at NatsuComi on a whim after I flipped through it and it seemed pretty well drawn. Plus, it's pretty much mostly about Alex, who I love to bits (I suspect she believes in free love - heyyy perfect for the Kurobasu world). The main pairing is KagaKuro, but there's a good dose of MuraHimu and a much smaller dose of KiyoHana in there. The rest of the pairings I listed are crack...yeaaaaah right.

I tried to get all the pairings in there haha. Kuroko is really IC in this one, somehow...even in his possessiveness. Kagami is exactly as freaked-out as he needs to be. Alex is awesome. And Himurooooo that one childhood scene of his breaks my heart~~ (though I'm still kind of eh on the fence on whether or not I like him as a character...)

Basically...this is a doujinshi that really really makes sense in the context of the Yousen vs. Seirin match, twisting it in a very BL way. The art's not bad, really...not totalsparklyperfectionnnnn but the tones are done right and the proportions aren't so bad as to be distracting. Plus this girl draws them realistically chunky (hahaha I always say this)...none of that frou-frou skinny ass basketball players who have necks so thin *I* could snap them in half (and I'm barely 160 cm).

Anyways, as usual:

cramitin file

Mediafire mirrors:
Part 1
Part 2

As usual, trouble downloading / need smaller version / any other problems, just comment below!

[EDIT: smaller version here on Mediafire.]

kagakuro, kagakuro dj, doujinshi, murahimu, kuroko dj, kuroko

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